[Etheremon Dev Update] 2019.01.08

Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2019

Hi Mon-Seekers,

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! For the past few weeks, there have been some UI improvements made (new leaderboard, new battle UI and new team selection, etc.). We are still gathering the feedbacks to improve your experience in our game gradually.

There are 2 big things coming soon, the Lunar New Year event & the Challenge mode. However, I will keep their details in later blogs. In this one, I will mention smaller updates, to make the gameplay better.

1. New sign-in flow

Now you are required to register and sign in (actually sign a message) to play the game. The sign-in session will be remembered and you do not have to sign again when playing rank/practice battles.

Expected release date: Jan 11

2. New Quests

Referral system will be brought back and moved under Quests page. Also, ranked battle winning reward will also be moved under Quest to make all reward claim in one place.

  • Referral system: For every friend you invite to the game, both you and your friend will gain points, up to 5 points. Both of you will get 1 point if your friend catches a Free Mon and up to 5 points if your friend buys a Mon in the Store.
  • Ranked battle winning reward: to be moved under Daily Quests. Every day, you can accumulate your wins to claim rewards. At each milestone as below, we detailed out the EMONT you can get. All rewards should be claimed before the daily quest reset, at 00.00 UTC time.

First 5 Wins: 1.0 EMONT
Next 5 Wins: 1.0 EMONT
Next 5 Wins: 1.0 EMONT
Next 5 Wins: 1.0 EMONT
Next 30 Wins: 9.0 EMONT
Next 50 Wins: 16.0 EMONT

***Note: Please claim all your current winning reward by Jan 11, 08:00 UTC.

Expected release date: Jan 11

3. Improve ranked battle

We are moving team selection off-chain.

  • We will disband all teams having at least 2 Mons of the same species.
  • Now you do not have to make a transaction to change the team. However, re-selecting your team will cost 4 energy.
  • Trading and transforming are no longer blocked if your Mon is in battle.
  • If any Mon in your team is no longer available (being traded/transformed), other players can still attack you, but you cannot attack the others before you re-select your team.
  • You can perform up to 5 attacks each time. Opponent list will be reset after that.

Expected release date: Jan 16

As usual, if you have any questions, please post in our Community and we will be there to help you!

Etheremon Team

— — — — — —

Website: etheremon.com
Twitter: twitter.com/myetheremon
Discord: discordapp.com/invite/xgJpuzc
Telegram: t.me/myetheremon

