Etheremon Rank Mode

Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2018

Rebalancing battle mechanics for a better gaming experience!

We are constantly working on improving user experience in Etheremon. The community have long been asking to make the competitive aspect of Etheremon more balanced, and today we are happy to present our solution.

At the moment, if you want to attack a castle, your mons can not be more than 3 levels ahead of the defending squad. Initially this restriction was supposed to prevent unbalanced battles, but it was not enough. Castles can still be destroyed very fast if attackers used a script for automatic attacks or if aimed weaker or unexperienced players.

This update amends the core elements of Etheremon gameplay to allow for more fair competition and a better reward system.

1. Important features of the Rank Mode

1/ Elo rating

Firstly, we introduce the Elo rating system, commonly used in competitive games. Each player is initially given 300 rating points. Further points can then be earned by winning battles against others. In the rank mode, every player will be able to form a single squad on each ethereum address (composed of 3 attackers and 3 supporters). That squad will enter the battle both for attacking and defending. After each battle, the winner gains some points while its counterpart loses some. The stronger your opponent is, the more rating points you will gain for winning while you lose less points when losing.

Another feature to ensure fairness is that you can only select castles to attack from players who have a similar rating level to you. As a result, if you are new to the game and are still building up your squad, you will only compete with other players at your level. That’s when your squad-building strategy kicks in to prove who is better at selecting and training Mons!

Want to hear something even better?

We are introducing a new reward system!!

EMONT will not be directly mined in rank mode. However, the best performing players will receive substantial rewards weekly and monthly. We are currently designing a payout system that lets both veteran and new players receive the prizes. We feel that new players should feel engaged and inclusive in the competition from the start.

2/ Energy bar — Attacker cooldown

Secondly, we are now giving defenders more time to strategize against attackers between two attacks. An energy bar feature will be added, and energy will be consumed for attacking a team.

All players receive 40 energy bars at the start. This energy can be used as follows:

  • Attacking: Each attack consumes 2 bars and each hour of rest generates 1 bar. Resting lets you accumulate up to 80 bars (maximum possible energy). However, if you are short on time, just 0.04 ETH will give you full recovery of energy.
  • Re-form the squad: Burning 40 energy bars lets the castle owner to re-strategize and reinforce the castle by changing the squad. Hence, if you notice a weak spot in your team’s defense which others are exploiting, you can always use your energy to fix it. Team defense will now be more interactive and gives you more control.

Another important thing to note is that the Rank Mode will consume 3 times less gas than the current castle mode! Battles have become even cheaper.

Strategy will become even more important in Etheremon. Here are the tips:

Learn type advantages, supporting combinations and prime level ranges (e.g. certain monsters are useful at lower levels but not so powerful at higher ones) so that you can have better attack as well as easily counter any attackers. Join our Discord channel to discuss with other Mon-seekers and develop your own strategy for the game. Also, you can check and compare your etheremons’ stats at this fan-made service.

2. Changes to Castle mode and Practice mode

Practice mode — rebalancing at castle selection

Practice mode will remain almost as it currently is. The only change is: the choice of castles to attack is now limited to 10 castles that have BP closest to that of your squad and the castles are selected from Rank mode instead of castle mode. We emphasize, that castle owners will still receive 0.25 EMONT per defense in Practice Mode. Practice mode battles, however, do not affect your rating or consume any energy, you can however gain XP by using it.

Castle mode

Castle mode will still be visible and playable in the short term. In the long run however, we hope that Rank mode will replace Castle mode completely.

We hope you enjoy this update. Feel free to join our Discord to ask questions, share ideas and send feedback! Stay tuned for more updates.

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A blockchain game about collecting, training, evolving and trading Monsters, built with blockchain and VR technology. Think Pokemon on blockchain.