Etheremon —The very first real game in a decentralized world!

Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2018

Today, we are going to release the castle battle mode for Etheremon. It is going to be the first ever dApp on the Ethereum network that has a real gaming feature. As the gas price has increased significantly recently, we understand that many of you have concerns about the cost and propose that we should centralize the battle feature. Here are some of our thoughts on this proposal:

  1. Etheremon is designed as a decentralized game, so we want you to have full control of your assets, and all the game rules are designed to be transparent to all Monseekers. That attribute gives you a different mindset about the game (compared to any traditional game) and makes it fair to everyone. Most games in the world right now are controlled by game companies, i.e. your data and in-game assets are not transparent nor in your control. They can be modified easily by game developers. Decentralization gives the Etheremon game permanent “existence”, nobody can take away your Cobrus unless the Ethereum network is gone, hence decentralization is the key point of our game, we will not sacrifice it.
  2. As a decentralized game, there is no short-cut in this world. If you need hundreds of transactions to train your etheremon, others need the same thing. The more cost and time you spend on your etheremon, the more valuable your etheremon is. There is no shortcut to having a level-50 Cobrus; it needs to be trained and all the life-time improvement records of your mons are transparent.
  3. As you know, the Ethereum foundation team has a clear plan to improve the Ethereum network; the gas price and transaction speed will be reduced in the near future. We will also investigate a few options to bring you a total decentralized game with lower cost.

Thanks and enjoy your time with castle mode!




A blockchain game about collecting, training, evolving and trading Monsters, built with blockchain and VR technology. Think Pokemon on blockchain.