Partnership announcement: Decentraland to Host Etheremon

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3 min readFeb 28, 2018

We are excited to announce that we’ve begun collaborating with the team at Decentraland to offer an Etheremon experience within their virtual reality platform. Our collaboration will kickstart the beta program of their developer SDK, and will add a new layer of complexity to Etheremon’s social interaction and immersion.

Etheremon will be one of the very first crypto-collectibles to be hosted on Decentraland’s platform, paving the way for future crypto-collectibles and other Ethereum-based games. While we have already established ourselves as one of the more interactive crypto-collectible games, this collaboration with Decentraland will push Etheremon into the ever-expanding world of virtual reality, allowing our users to seamlessly integrate into Decentraland’s growing virtual economy and community.

What is Decentraland?

For those unfamiliar with Decentraland, their team is building the first fully decentralized WebVR platform running on the Ethereum blockchain. The actual space that makes up Decentraland is divided into non-fungible LAND tokens. These tokens represent the individual parcels of virtual real estate of Genesis City, Decentraland’s first city.

Anyone can own these parcels, using them to host and monetize their own content and applications- all viewable within Decentraland’s VR client. This community driven and highly visual environment will provide content creators and developers valuable opportunities for improving discoverability and growth.

Currently, the Decentraland team is working on the first version of their developer SDK, which will be the suite of tools targeted toward dApp and CCG developers who want to integrate their projects with Decentraland, and is the toolset that we will be piloting with our own integration.

What does this mean for your Etheremon?

First and foremost, our integration with Decentraland is intended to provide our users with a far more interactive gaming experience. While Etheremon’s fundamental gameplay mechanics should remain unchanged, we intend to expand the number of opportunities you will have to discover new Etheremon monsters while exploring Genesis City by allowing LAND-owners to host Etheremon on their parcels.

You can expect a far more immersive and engaging experience when battling your Etheremon against other users in castles or when training your Etheremon in gyms. We also hope to make your experience with Etheremon more personal by allowing you display your Etheremon alongside your own avatar.

In addition to the added immersion, our integration with Decentraland will allow our users to tap into Decentraland’s growing social network. This should both boost the level of engagement in our marketplace as more people begin to buy and sell Etheremon and should increase participation in larger tournaments and battles.

Redefining Crypto-Collectible Gaming

Our goal with Decentraland is to redefine what people think of when they hear the term crypto-collectible. Social and immersive online gaming is an exciting use of Ethereum and unique digital assets, so by building a fully interactive crypto-collectible game that is still completely decentralized on the Ethereum network, we hope to help set new standards and to push the limits of what people think is possible with blockchain technology.

For more information about Decentraland, visit their blog here. You can also read their announcement for this collaboration here.

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A blockchain game about collecting, training, evolving and trading Monsters, built with blockchain and VR technology. Think Pokemon on blockchain.