Account Abstraction Community Call

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
2 min readNov 16, 2020

The Ethereum Cat Herders are hosting a Community call on EIP-2938 “Account Abstraction” in partnership with The Ethereum Magicians. We invited authors of the proposal of this EIP — Ansgar Deitrichs and Sam Wilson who are joining us to provide an overview of the proposal and briefly talk about the use cases.

👥 About Community Call

This Community Call is going to be explaining this EIP, getting answers to questions regarding this proposal and the use case of this EIP. There will be a time allocated for the Q&A so bring your questions, we invited the authors to give you answers!

There’s Ethereum Magicians thread regarding this EIP, feel free to post questions beforehand to this thread, link.

🗣 Speakers & Panelists

The speakers will be the EIP Authors: Ansgar Dietrichs, Sam Wilson,

Moderator: Hudson Jameson

Support: James Hancock, Matt Garnett, Tim Beiko

🪑How to join

If you have a question about the proposal, one of its use cases, or on general understanding and you would like to ask it with the authors, please post your question to the Ethereum Magicians thread or register here. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Join us at ECH YouTube, 12:00 EST on Friday, November 20, 2020.

EIP Resources

Ethereum Cat Herders Links

Ethereum Magicians Links

Thanks to Anett from the Fellowship of Ethereum Magician for contributing to this announcement.



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.