ECH introduces Learn2Earn

George Hervey
Ethereum Cat Herders
4 min readOct 11, 2022

Learning Ethereum with rewards!

The Ethereum Cat Herders working group is excited to announce the launch of Learn-2-Earn! Also known as L2E, it is an educational platform that rewards users for learning about Ethereum protocols and application standards!

To explore, go to:

Learn2Earn: An overview

The app was first ideated back in January of 2022 with intent to encourage mainstream users to learn about the basic concepts of Ethereum blockchain. In addition to providing free resource to educate an user on EIPs (Ethereum Improvement Proposals) and core protocols in the Ethereum ecosystem, we hope to reward the learning on successful effort of taking a short quiz on the topic. After months of testing and development, that idea has finally come to fruition.

If you want to skip the journey of how we built this, you can jump to how to start using the app [here](#how-to-use).

The Journey

The development of the entire project was done open-source. The weekly meetings, notes and code are public for anyone to be able to participate. The intent is to follow the general ethos of the Ethereum community and keep things transparent and inclusive. We hope more people will join and contribute to this project as this can serve as a public good for others to learn about Ethereum at no cost.

Our goals for this app are:
- Super simple and friendly to use
- Educational and fun
- Earn rewards on successful completion of the quiz
- Build a collection of memorable rewards to showcase Web3 topics you have learned.

To kick things off, we started with a dry run experiment using just a Google Forms. This help tested the flow and get some feedback before actually build the app. Thank you to mr.yalamanchi for leading the dry run. Once that happened, we were on to development of the application.

Tech & tools

We decided on the following tech stack:
- NextJS: A versatile framework to allow us to build all frontend and backend components for the app.
- ChakraUI: A CSS library that makes styling quicker and easier to make the app pretty.
- Moralis: A database that makes web3 integrations simple.
- POAP: NFT protocol

We continued using GitHub for project management & coordination.


For the NFT part that will reward learners for taking the course and passing the quiz, we considered making our own NFT smart contract. However, we wanted an option that did not require the user to pay gas fees for claiming their NFT. POAP came to mind as an option already built, proven and simple to use that achieves this desire.

During the app building phase, the project was developed by George Hervey (developer), iMan (UI and POAP designer), sw (quiz creator) and led by Pooja Ranjan. This was a nights-and-weekends type of passion project that we are proud to finally ship to the public.

How to use the App

The app is free for anyone to use. No sign-in required. Take a course. Complete the quiz. Earn a POAP. As simple as that.

If you want to keep track of the POAPs you earned and courses you completed, you can connect your wallet to the app. Make sure it’s an Ethereum wallet. You can connect via Metamask browser extension or via WalletConnect for your mobile device. The option to connect your wallet will always be available on the top right of the app.

If connected to your wallet, you will notice a new tab on the left sidebar called `My Rewards` and a green “completed” indicator on courses you finished.

We hope you enjoy this app, learn new concepts, earn POAPs and share your experience with us.

Share the app link with more curious cats who are interested in Learn2Earn!


Special thanks to all the contributors throughout the development of this project that made this launch possible! Cheers!

If you would like to contribute as well, please check out our Github repo and reach out on Discord. We would be thrilled to have you on board!

Shoutout to George Hervey, iMan, Shubhangi Gokhale, Pooja Ranjan, Shashank Yalamanchi and Stefan W.

Support the Ethereum Cat Herders

Thank you for reading 🙏.

