Ethereum at Consensus 2020

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
3 min readMay 1, 2020

One of the biggest blockchain conferences, Consensus is back. This year Coindesk presents virtual Consensus 2020 in the light of social distancing requirements due to global pandemic. We are excited to announce that Ethereum will be participating in the event and will be represented by Ethereum Core developers, project & protocol developers and some of our Ethereum Cat Herders.

Participants from the Ethereum ecosystem will be giving a talk in the ‘Programming’ section of the Foundation track. Foundations is a new program within Consensus designed to put the spotlight on thriving blockchain ecosystems. It’s a chance for protocols and projects to design a series of conference sessions specifically aimed at their community: which means developers and other technical contributors as well as the investors, customers and founders.

Ethereum has been provided a slot of 2 hours and this will include presentations as listed below:

The State of Ethereum 1.x

Over the last year, Ethereum 1.x has progressed at breakneck speed! In this session, we will review the major advances in the roadmap, what’s in store for upcoming upgrades, and how governance processes have evolved. Expect details on upcoming network upgrades, stateless Ethereum, and ecosystem initiatives more broadly.

The Emerging Asset Management Sector on Ethereum

Set Protocol will be discussing the growing asset management sector on Ethereum with a specific focus on TokenSets — an automated asset management platform that gives users tokenized exposure to complex trading strategies.

Research & roadmap on stateless Ethereum

This section will talk about the problem statement — what “Stateless Ethereum” is about (preserve and increase Ethereum’s resilience in spite of the state growth), and what it is not about (improving UX, stateless mining etc.). This will enlighten why we are having about three roadmaps (tools, research, implementation), what are currently the main priorities for research/implementation groups and also the new “Sync network” also known as “Merry Go Round” sync.

Eth2, wtf

A quick look at the exciting future coming for Ethereum.

A hot take on what Ethereum is thinking

You want me to burn some of my ETH to vote in a poll? No way! You must be joking, right? Burn Signal wants you to do just that, and it’s precisely because you react like this that it is a good signaling mechanism. Rather than shouting at each other on twitter or trying to weigh disparate signals from arbitrarily defined stakeholder groups, Burn Signal creates one clean signal for each question that is the same for all participants. In this talk, we’ll take a brief dive into Burn Signal’s Quadratic Polling mechanism, some of the common objections, and the reasons why it’s an effective signal, even with low participation.

Developer experience as we move towards Ethereum 2.0

When it comes to building out software, accessibility and user safety are extremely important. Unfortunately, they typically come as a second thought, and are not apart of the core research and development. Looking towards Ethereum 2.0, how can we address this early on, what can we learn from Eth1.x, and what have accomplished thus far? This talk focuses on the developer experience as we move towards Ethereum 2.0, and how the Lodestar team is looking to solve it.

Join us to learn about Ethereum upgrade, Ethereum 2.0 launch, Stateless Ethereum and some interesting projects & protocols. Here is the registration link for the event.

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Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.