Ethereum at Consensus 2021

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
3 min readMay 4, 2021

With fast-changing technology, sometimes it becomes difficult to keep track of what’s upcoming. As Ethereum Support Desk, we strive to share information on the latest research & development updates to the Ethereum community. Events and conferences are also very good opportunities to share the progress across different communities.

We are excited to announce that like the previous year, Ethereum will be participating in CoinDesk’s biggest blockchain event in 2021 and will be represented by Ethereum core developers, projects, researchers, and some of our Ethereum Cat Herders to share the latest research and roadmap of the Ethereum blockchain.

Consensus by CoinDesk (May 24–27, 2021) unites professionals across the globe for an immersive virtual experience aimed at exploring the evolution of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Foundations at Consensus is a program designed to put the spotlight on thriving blockchain ecosystems. It’s a chance for protocols and projects to design a series of conference sessions specifically aimed at their community: which means developers and other technical contributors as well as the investors, customers and founders.

A sneak-peak of the featured talks for Ethereum’s Execution layer (Eth1.0 chain) and Consensus Layer (Eth2.0 chain) is provided below. Looking forward to seeing you at the event to follow the presentation in the Foundations track of Consensus 2021.


Execution Layer

(May 25 from 9:30 am –10:30 am ET)

What’s coming to Ethereum: roadmap updates & improvement proposals

Speakers: Tim Beiko, Pooja Ranjan
This talk will include the current state of the Ethereum chain, upcoming upgrades, EIP process, and expected Ethereum Improvement Proposals. The presentation will be followed by Q&A.

Scaling DeFi — ENS in Layer 2 — Optimistic rollup (MVP)

Speaker: Nick Johnson
Nick explains and demonstrates ENS’s unique new solution to cross-layer communication, making it possible to resolve ENS names stored on a variety of L2 solutions without additional trust assumptions.

Consensus Layer

(May 25 from 12:00 pm –01:00 pm ET)

State of Eth2 and The Merge

Speakers: Danny Ryan, Mikhail K.
The Merge is an Ethereum upgrade that enables a new proof-of-stake consensus on the Mainnet. The new consensus is driven by the Beacon chain, an advanced consensus engine secured by more than 7 billion USD to the current date. The presentation will be followed by Q&A.

KZG commitments

Speaker: Dankrad Feist
KZG commitments are essential to enable data availability sampling in Eth2. They allow us to commit to polynomials rather than just data and thus don’t require fraud proofs to ensure the validity of erasure codes. I will give a quick intro to KZG commitments and how they are used for shard data in Eth2.

Visit Coindesk to learn more about the event and tune in on May 25th to learn about Ethereum roadmap and interesting projects & protocols. Here is the registration link for the event.

Follow the Ethereum Cat Herders at Website, GitHub, Twitter, Medium, and YouTube.



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.