Ethereum Cat Herders Update #15

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
3 min readNov 14, 2019

“The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning”. — Oprah Winfrey

Welcome to Ethereum Cat Herders Update!

Moving forward in the direction of Ethereum Support Desk, Cat Herders had another productive call including one of the members from EF, last week. We discussed some critical areas that could use immediate attention.

1. How to get involved

One of the biggest challenges faced by new members of the Ethereum community is a place to start. Especially for the non-technical members, it is more of a fishing expedition to find a suitable group. We invite every new member of the Ethereum community to join ECH Gitter and/or create an issue with a query. Cat Herders aims to monitor issues across the ecosystem and possibly point the user in the right direction. To further aid the process, we think it would be good to have a page on dedicated to helping people find what they can do to be involved in the ecosystem. William S. from the ECH team created an Issue and subsequent Pull Request at GitHub to propose the idea. You’re invited to leave a comment.

2. Streamline EIP process

Cat Herders welcome James H. as Hardfork coordinator for Ethereum upgrades and hope to see a lot of improvements in upcoming upgrades. Currently, we’re collecting sentiment about how to help the EIP process. We also reached out to the EIP editors to extend our help clean up the EIP repository and eventually streamline the EIP process.

3. Feedback

The Ethereum Cat Herders would like to hear more from you on what and how we continue supporting the community. Quick feedback and suggestion are much appreciated.

ProgPOW refund

For ProgPOW review, we received plenty of love from the community and managed to have almost double the number of funds that we needed. Ethereum Cat Herders want to thank Ethereum Foundation, Atlantic Crypto, BitFly and every individual contributor who donated for the cause.

Here are some update regarding surplus funds:

  • EF agreed to leave their extra funds (about $4000) with the Cat Herders.
  • Atlantic Crypto, the second-largest donor through the Gitcoin page agreed that we don’t refund them but instead refund the rest of the community contributors who donated for ProgPOW funding.
  • Every contributor on the Gitcoin page will get a full refund back.
  • Refund transactions will be sent out in the coming week followed by a blog.

Thank you, Hudson, Charles, and Tim for coordinating on this.

Ethereum Updates

  • Announcing a Taiwan-specific Wave of Grants
  • Development Update #1 — Introducing Ethereum Studio.
  • No more misconceptions about Ethereum Core Maintaining groups. Difference between @EthMagicians and @EthCatHerders and AllCoreDevs roles explained in the article ‘Ethereum Core Maintainers’ By Anett.
  • Introducing the Ethereum Marketing DAO, a fork of Moloch DAO for Ethereum promotion.

Istanbul Upgrade

Berlin Upgrade

  • Berlin EIP Deadline — 3rd Wednesday of March
  • EIP centric model will be followed for Berlin.
  • EIPs eligible for inclusion in Berlin
  • EIP-663
  • EIP-1380
  • EIP-1559
  • EIP-1702 — Pending Champion.
  • EIP-1962
  • EIP-1985
  • EIP-2046
  • Berlin Meta: EIP 2070

Ethereum 2.0 Update


Ethereum Cat Herders

  • Agenda #22
  • Video
  • Notes
  • The next meeting is proposed on Tuesday, 26 November 2019, at 1400 UTC.

Ethereum All Core Dev

  • Agenda 74
  • Video
  • Notes
  • Next All Core Dev call #75 is proposed on Friday 15th November 2019, at 14:00 UTC. Agenda

Ethereum 2.0

Support Ethereum Cat Herders funding

Share yours ❤️ with Ethereum community project management a.k.a Ethereum Cat Herders here.

Grant accepts Any Token at 0x68085e7f88e90fa9247489c83fab30b177ebccb3

Note: All articles/blogs mentioned here are not necessarily published by Cat Herders. It may be just related to ongoing discussion topics.

Follow Ethereum Cat Herders at Website, GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, Mediumand Gitter.

Share your questions, comments, and suggestions with me on Twitter. Thank you for reading. 🙏



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.