Ethereum Cat Herders Update #19

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
3 min readFeb 4, 2020

Welcome to another issue of ECH newsletter. We hope this helps you catch up with what happened in the community since our last update.

🎊Celebrating 1 year with Ethereum Community🎊

The Ethereum Cat Herders completed a year of formation on January 22. The past year was full of experiments and learning for the team. Read about the Cat Herders contribution to the Ethereum network in the past year, here.

ECH Roadmap 2020

In 2020, the Cat Herders want to extend the involvement and become the support center for the Ethereum Community. We’re excited to share ECH Roadmap 2020.

The first step towards the mission is to create awareness about our group that is available for individuals and projects in Ethereum space, to point at the right team. The Cat Herders are already working in the direction of creating awareness.

Secured a spot at

We’ve already secured a spot on the community page of Anyone with technical or non-technical skill wants to contribute to the Ethereum may contact the Cat Herders team with a query at Gitter or with an issue at GitHub and the individual will be pointed towards the right direction. Thanks to William, Tim, Charles and the rest of the team to work on this.

Conferences & Meetups

The Cat Herders are participating in various meetups and conferences to share information and collect feedback about the awareness of the group and Ethereum in particular.

Blockchain in 2020

We’re thankful to the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) and Kaleido team to provide us an opportunity to participate and share a quick presentation about the Cat Herders in ‘Blockchain in 2020’, organized at Raleigh.


As mentioned in our earlier newsletter, Tim, William and Helena will be representing the Cat Herders at ETHCC (6–8 March) in Paris and would be running a workshop entitled “Growing the herd: what the Cat Herders can do for Ethereum.” Please feel free to join us for the session or see us just to say hello! Your opinion matters to us. We’d appreciate you filling out this feedback form if you haven’t done it already.

Eth Denver

You can also find some of the herders at the Eth Denver. Confirmed attendees are Hudson, Charles, and Lane. If you get passed to any of them, please say hello and share your thoughts on how are the Cat Herders doing and what can we do to be more helpful.

ProgPOW funding update

The Ethereum Cat Herders ran a fundraising campaign previous year to raise funds for the ProgPow audit. Beyond expectation, we received way more than what was needed for the audit by various community contributors. Upon agreement with the largest contributors Bitfly, Atlantic Crypto & the Ethereum Foundation, every individual who had contributed to the ProgPow audit got a full refund. Read details in the blog by Tim Beiko.

Ethereum Updates

Ethereum 1.x

Ethereum 2.0


Ethereum All Core Dev

Ethereum 2.0


Ethereum Cat Herders

Support the Ethereum Cat Herders!!

Share yours ❤️ with the Ethereum Cat Herders. We accept all tokens!

Note: All articles/blogs/sources mentioned in this update are not necessarily published by the Cat Herders.

AND you can follow the Ethereum Cat Herders at Website, GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, Medium and Gitter.

Thanks for reading and happy February to all!

— The Ethereum Cat Herders



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.