Ethereum Cat Herders Update #28

A proposal on gas cost, EVM 384, Medalla testnet, Ethereum client diversity, Peep an EIP, and more community updates.

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
5 min readAug 25, 2020


Welcome to another edition of the Ethereum Cat Herders community update to bring you up to the speed since the last update.

Ethereum All Core Developers meeting

EIP-1057: ProgPoW, a Programmatic Proof-of-Work

Greg Colvin provided updates on the progress:

  • reviewing since April,
  • working on a new reference implementation right now.

He further added that he’d like to discuss 1057 on the testnet on the next call and later shared links for the ongoing work.

New Proposals

EVM 384 — Can we do Fast Crypto in EVM?

Before the all core dev meeting, Alex B. shared write-up on EVM-384 which was further discussed in the meeting. The goal here is to support operations of BLS-12381 (the Eth2 curve), so this would be an alternative to other EIPs which proposed the curve as a precompile. He further explained that one of the motivations for this is to reduce consensus complexity. Vitalik added If we can make this close to native efficiency, probably, we can get away with not adding any more precompiles in the future. If interested, you can participate in the discussion at EthMagician.

A proposal — Short-term gas cost increases for storage-accessing operations

This was a proposal by Vitalik to increase the gas cost of opcodes that touch storage (SLOAD, all the EXT calls). He explained that these increases would provide a security improvement for the chain. Martin S. said that the change is technically simple but may break things, and the community will push back against this like EIP-1884 that broke contracts and there was pushback. Hudson recommended moving this forward will require a proper write up about the pros and cons, explaining why this is needed, with a proper EIP. And Vitalik agreed. Good technical discussion took place on the call, highly recommends watching the recording.

Yolo testnet and Berlin

  • Besu added to the mix of clients being Fuzzed. Few vulnerabilities were discovered, not specific to BLS.
  • Done fuzzing for BLS, Subroutines. Nethermind, Geth all synced, a little bit of ex-Parity (OpenEthereum) too. ex-Parity (OpenEthereum) also implemented Static call precompiles.
  • Still finding bugs, but getting better.

Discussing clarity on pre-Berlin testnet EIPs, Tim mentioned that considering, EVM 384, gas cost change implementation is simple, it is important to understand what we want to get on the testnet before spinning.

EIP-2666: Precompiles and Keccak256 repricing

New EIP process status

Core-EIP process

The EIPIP working group came up with a revised process flow for EIP and introduced new terms added to the process. The goal is to separate the hard fork coordination from the EIP statuses themselves.

Stateless Ethereum (Eth 1x)

Ethereum 2.0

EIPIP working group

  • A new EIP validator was integrated. The EIP validator makes sure the EIP is syntactically valid. The new EIP statuses won’t be added to the EIP validator until after receiving final approval from the All Core Devs. It was proposed in the meeting last Friday and seem to have a consensus.
  • EIPIP meeting 14: agenda, video, notes. The next EIPIP meeting is proposed on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 1500 UTC. Agenda.
  • Lightclient opened a PR on the EIPs repo to transition the site from Jekyll to Zola: He thinks that removing all the ruby from the CI pipeline will significantly improve confidence in builds and deployments. The new toml the frontmatter format will also be much better to work within eipv and mergebot.

Ethereum Cat Herders

Peep an EIP

In the last Cat Herders meeting, I proposed an EIP focused series to create awareness and provide educational videos for a better understanding of proposed proposals to the Ethereum community and help consensus building on EIPs for a network upgrade.

The recording of the first episode on ‘Writing an EIP’ with Matt Garnett (lightclient) is available now.

In this and the coming weeks, we’re going to discuss

  • EIP-2537: BLS12–381 curve operations with Alexander Vlasov on Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, at 2:30–3:15 pm EST
  • EIP-1571: EthereumStratum/2.0.0 with Andrea Lanfranchi on Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, at 02:30–03:00 pm EST
  • EIP-2666 with Alexander Vlasov on Tuesday, Sept 01, 2020, at 2:30–3:15 pm EST.

You can follow which EIP is scheduled next at ECH GitHub. If you have any questions related to an EIP, or you want to join the session, reach me on Twitter.

The state of client diversity in Ethereum

The Cat Herders conducted an Ethereum Critical Installation survey on miners, wallets, exchange, and other node operators to collect data on client diversity. A summary of discussions and data received from the survey is published as a blog. We thank everyone who participated in the survey.

  • ECH call#40: agenda, video, notes. The next meeting is proposed on September 01, 2020, at 14:00 UTC

1559: Fees market change

Other Community Updates

Support the Ethereum Cat Herders

Share your question, comments, and suggestions with me on Twitter. Thank you for reading 🙏.

— The Ethereum Cat Herders



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.