Ethereum Cat Herders Update #38

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
Sent as a


5 min readFeb 9, 2021

YOLO v3, Berlin, EIP-1559, Eth2.0 updates, EIPIP meeting, 1559 community call, and more.

Welcome to another edition of the Ethereum Cat Herders community update to bring you up to speed since the last update.

Ethereum 1.0

Ethereum All Core Developers’ meeting

YOLOv3 & Berlin client updates

  • Fuzz testing can start this week.
  • The difference between the YOLO & Berlin testnet will be the tx load, no other change is expected. YOLO is mining empty blocks and not sending tx in the present n/w.
  • Berlin Testnet — Feb 24th (tentative). Clients will be ready by the next ACD to fork the testnet.
  • The block# on different testnet will be discussed in the ACD Discord, this week.
  • Berlin on mainnet — March 24th (tentative)
  • The mainnet block # will be discussed in the next ACD meeting.
  • Network Upgrade Survey. Consider taking the time to answer this survey to help us plan future upgrades for Ethereum 1.0.

EIP-2481: eth/66: request identifier

  • No change in EIP-2481 except Martin will improve the one-line statement in the EIP as suggested by Peter S.

EVM 384

  • Paul D provided an update for EVM 384 followed by some questions by Alex Vlasov. Worth listening to the conversation.

EIP-1559: Fee market change for Ethereum 1.0

  • Tim shared the State test preliminary result, it looks good.
  • It was the first dry run of the test. Besu & Geth participated. Spammed the testnet with a large amount of tx.
  • Next week more proper test will happen with Nethermind along.
  • Suggestions on metrics that people will like to see

— Decrease the amount of empty block in every mining

— Network latency?

— Have different regions to small simulate the main net.

— concerns about the empty block rate and uncle rate

  • ACD meeting #105: agenda, video, Tim’s tweet, notes. The next meeting is scheduled for February 19, 2021, at 1400 UTC.

Eth1.0 Clients update

Ethereum 2.0

Eth2.0 mainnet

Eth2.0 Clients’s update

  • Nimbus-eth2 v1.0.7— New slashing protection mechanism (doppelganger detection) prevents your validator from contradicting itself if you have accidentally left it running on another machine. Optimized batching of BLS signature verification leading to faster sync speeds and reduced CPU load.
  • Lighthouse — Dr. Wong
  • Lodestar — Release v0.15.0 — Implemented hard fork compatible DB, fix httpClient error formatting. Fix validator not found and wrong events URL. Replace all mentions of Medalla (and any other dead testnets) with Pyrmont. Initial sync as state machine. Unify EpochContext.
  • Prysm — v1.2.0 — This release includes significant improvements and a much-awaited feature of slashing protection import and exports, standardized with EIP-3076 and compliant with other eth2 clients. Updating to this release is recommended to avoid missed attestations. This PR also implements more API endpoints from the eth2 standard API.
  • Teku — v21.1.1—Added --validators-external-signer-public-keys arguments can now include URLs to load the public keys from. The URL should provide a list of public keys as a JSON array. Added support for block, attestation and voluntary_exit event streams from the standard REST API.

EIPIP working group

  • EIPIP meeting #25: agenda, video, notes.
  • The next EIPIP meeting is scheduled for February 10th at 1500 UTC. Agenda.

Ethereum Cat Herders

Community call

The Ethereum Cat Herders are hosting a community call on EIP-1559: Fee market change for Eth1.0 chain featuring proposers, developers & miners from the Ethereum community. This community call is mainly to address miners’ concerns and build consensus for the Ethereum network upgrade followed by the Berlin upgrade. Join us on Feb 26th at 1400 UTC.

Peep an EIP

Released video


Upgrading the Ethereum Cat Herders website

The Ethereum Cat Herders are in process of upgrading the website to be able to provide you the information in more user-friendly. The group has decided to move forward with the Unvetica website proposal to do the development work. If you have got an improvement suggestion, something you’d want us to add, share with us. You may follow the progress here.

  • The Ethereum Cat Herders meeting #51: agenda, video, notes. The next meeting is scheduled for February 19, 2021, at 1500 UTC.

Support the Ethereum Cat Herders

Share your question, comments, and suggestions with me on Twitter. Thank you for reading 🙏.

— The Ethereum Cat Herders



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.