Ethereum Cat Herders Update #6

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
3 min readMar 28, 2019

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the Ethereum Cat Herders update.


  1. Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting #8

2. Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting #9 is proposed on Tuesday, 2 April 2019 at 14:00 UTC. Agenda

3. Ethereum All Core Devs Meeting #58
Next meeting is scheduled for this Friday 2019 at 14:00 UTC. Agenda.


Note: All articles/blogs mentioned here are not necessarily published by Cat Herders. It is just for making aware of discussion going on.

Hardfork Coordination

Ethereum Cat Herders will propose a process for the collection of EIP for consideration in the Istanbul HF to the core dev in upcoming Friday call. Based on the decision made we hope to coordinate and make a seamless and successful Istanbul upgrade.

You may follow update on the Istanbul HF at ECH GitHub.

A New Website

  • A GitHub repo has been created to start this:
  • Lane has taken the lead on this initiative and the Aragon team will potentially also provide resources. No team is announced as of yet.

Feel free to participate and contribute in designing & development of the portal at GitHub by adding issues and pull request.

Ethereum Developer Portal Designs/Structure

  • Initial designs and content structure have been proposed by Charles St.Louis. However, the plans to build a developer have been put on pause since there may be overlap with the new website initiative.

Task Management

ECH task list has been created here. You may visit to look into open/upcoming tasks. You may also reach out the coordinators to offer your help if any task is of your interest.


Charles Plant St.Louis (@CPSTL) will be joining Hudson and Lane as a multisig keyholder for Ethereum Cat Herders.

Eth2.0 coordination

We’ve been asked to help with coordination for Eth 2.0 going on the testnet soon. Hopefully, next week we will have more updates on it.

Support Ethereum All Core Devs community project management here.

Thank you for reading and sharing your feedback 🙏. Please share your question, comments, and suggestions with me at Twitter.



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.