Meet The Herders’: Victor Zhou

ERC Editor

Haresh G
Ethereum Cat Herders
6 min readNov 13, 2023


Meet The Herders’ is a series of interviews with past and present Ethereum Cat Herders (ECH) members. ECH helps coordinate upgrades and process improvements to Ethereum by aligning multiple devs from protocol clients to application teams such as wallets; assisting individuals/teams to write EIP/ERC and informing the community as the landscape changes.

Victor is an EIP/ERC editor who helps with the documentation & review of EIP to help become an Ethereum standard.

This interview is paraphrased and skips some questions. Please follow the video recording or the podcast to watch/listen to the complete interview.

Haresh: Could you please give us a background about yourself and how you got started in Ethereum?

Victor: I am an EIP/ERC editor and I spend most of my time on the ERC side. I consider myself first and foremost an author and builder, trying to promote open, interoperability.

I first learned about Bitcoin around 2011, but at that time, I didn’t fully grasp the real potential of blockchain technology. It wasn’t until Ethereum came along that I understood the transformative power of smart contracts. Ethereum made it possible to automate promises and agreements that previously required trust, which truly excited me.

When I saw Ethereum and the emergence of ERC-20 tokens and ERC-721 non-fungible tokens, I noticed that there was a lack of standardization for voting mechanisms. So, I started working on ERC-122, which is still in draft status.

To ensure that my ideas were on the right track and received feedback, I reached out to others for peer reviews. This process wasn’t always easy because many people in the blockchain space were busy building their projects and not always focused on standardization. So, I sought feedback from those with widely adopted proposals, such as William Entriken (author of ERC-721) and Fabian Vogelsteller (author of ERC-20). This collaboration helped me realize the value of offering feedback to others.

Over time, I recognized the importance of regularly providing reviews and feedback to the community, and it became a part of my ongoing efforts to contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem.

Haresh: What is the difference between an EIP and an ERC?

Victor: Up until now, Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) have covered various categories of proposals. EIP stands for Ethereum Improvement Proposal, and I assume that most listeners are familiar with this term. However, what often confuses people is that ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comments, a term first used in ERC-20. Fabian, the author of ERC-20, coined the term ERC because it was one of the first, if not the first, smart contract standards that differed from previous ones.

The key distinction is that ERCs don’t necessarily have to be accepted or integrated into Ethereum clients. Currently, Ethereum consists of an execution layer and a consensus layer, but it’s the clients that run the Ethereum network. ERCs are more like suggestions, saying, “We want to do it this way, and if you like, you can implement it with us.”

As the EIP and ERC process has evolved, people have introduced different categories such as Core EIPs, Interface EIPs, Network EIPs, and ERCs to address various purposes. These categories are part of the Standards Track, and each serves a different function. Currently, ERCs specifically refer to proposals at the application layer of Ethereum.

In the future, when the EIP-ERC split occurs, people will increasingly use EIP’s to refer to the non-ERC parts of those proposals. However, during my time as an author, the EIP Editor Group began to enforce a rule requiring that all ERCs be cited as EIPs for convenience. This is where some of the confusion arises.

Haresh: Can you please discuss the split of EIP/ERC process coming up shortly?

Victor: It’s crucial for anyone working in this space to be aware of the upcoming EIP-ERC split. Now, the split is about the repository of EIPs. The original EIP repository will be split into EIPs that are not ERCs and those that are ERCs. Behind the scenes, this means changes to the repository structure. The rationale behind this split is that the groups working in these two spaces have different goals, ways of thinking, knowledge, skill sets, and governance approaches. The differences are significant enough to warrant this separation.

Initially, I had reservations about the split. I was concerned that it would further divide people’s attention and reduce the chances of getting the right eyes on a proposal. However, over time, I’ve been gradually convinced that the benefits outweigh the trade-offs. EIP editing was becoming challenging as execution layer core developers and consensus layer core developers sought alternatives to propose their changes. This created difficulties and reduced the chances of finding the right reviewers.

On the other hand, the ERC space is very active, with a substantial number of reviewers looking out for each other. This prompted us to consider the split. There will be consequences, such as different websites and URLs for EIPs and ERCs, and the need to update old links and establish new governance structures and rules. Despite potential side effects, I’m optimistic that this change will bring significant benefits to the Ethereum ecosystem.

Haresh: Can you please discuss some common mistakes EIP/ERC authors make?

Victor: In my experience with ERCs, I’ve noticed three common mistakes that people often make. These observations may also apply to other EIPs, but they are particularly relevant to the ERC space:

  1. Failure to Research Existing Proposals: Many individuals come to propose an ERC without thoroughly researching existing standards. It’s acceptable to propose a new solution to address the same problem or even a similar one with minor differences. However, it’s crucial to first understand what has been discussed and proposed before. This research helps in making an informed decision about whether a new ERC is worth pursuing.
  2. Not providing reference implementations and test Cases: Some proposers neglect to prioritize providing reference implementations and test cases. This omission can have two possible implications. One is that they have a solution but choose not to share it, possibly treating it as proprietary knowledge or a trade secret. However, sharing reference implementations is vital for an ERC’s adoption. The other possibility is that new authors may not even know how to build the solution they propose. They might view it as an important and interesting problem but haven’t fully considered its broader implications. While sharing reference implementations and test cases is not currently required, it greatly aids in advancing the adoption and openness of an ERC.
  3. Lack of openness and interoperability: Some people enter the ERC space with a mindset that prioritizes their project’s promotion over open interoperability and adoption. They may submit an ERC to attract attention to their project or legitimize it. While this is a form of contribution, it can lead to reluctance to share or use existing solutions, disregard for backward compatibility or compatibility with other projects, and hesitation in merging proposals. An example of this is when ERC-721 was introduced, various projects, such as CryptoPunks and Decentraland, proposed similar standards and there were five in total. However, a group was formed, to bring these projects together, negotiate, and ultimately support a common standard. This collaborative spirit and willingness to work together for the greater good have played a pivotal role in creating a multi-billion if not trillion-dollar industry for NFTs.

Haresh: What are you passionate about outside of Ethereum?

Victor: I enjoy distance running, and ultimate frisbee sports. I do improv theater and acting, and I read, and I like to sing. If you like any one of them, I’m happy to be connected and look forward to meeting people.

The full interview discusses more how EIPs/ERCs go from draft to being finalized and open issues regarding their adoption; how can one forge a path to becoming an EIP editor and more.



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— The Ethereum Cat Herders

