dApp Builder update for January 2022

dApp Builder team
Ethereum dApp Builder
3 min readJan 27, 2022

It’s been a while but dApp platform team has been constantly improving the platform all this time. Here is what we’ve done so far:

First of all, to improve overall performance of the service we migrated all dApps from web3.js library to ethers.js.

For historical reasons, MetaMask injected web3@0.20.7 into all web pages. That version of web3 is deprecated, has known security issues, and is no longer maintained by the web3.js team. Therefore, MetaMask team decided to remove this library from their platform.

What is Ethers?

The ethers.js library aims to be a complete and compact library for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its ecosystem. It was originally designed for use with ethers.io and has since expanded into a more general-purpose library.

The library includes utility functions in JavaScript and TypeScript, and has all the capabilities of an Ethereum wallet. Ethers.js is currently on version 5.0.3. Ethers.js was created by Ethers and is open source via the MIT License. Similar to web3.js, ethers.js has four modules which make up the application programming interface (API):

1. Ethers.provider

2. Ethers.contract

3. Ethers.utils

4. Ethers.wallet

Secondly, we added more dApps for your convenient use:

Always wanted to have your own token? Custom Token dApp — can be used for developing your own custom token, using ERC-20 protocol;

Would like to go public? ICO Token dApp — can be used for developing your own ICO token based on ERC-20 standard;

Already have a token but you would like to launch token airdrop campaing? MerkleTree dApp — can be used to create token airdrop, using so called Merkle Tree algorithm.

dApp Builder team will continue developing more dApps for you. We would be happy if you could send us a feedback, choosing next dApp you would like to see at dApp platform — you could select the dApp you like the best among 4 solutions at https://dappbuilder.io/ page.

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