Introducing dApp Builder Marketplace 2- How to Create Custom Dapps

dApp Builder Marketplace 2 is already here!

dApp Builder team
Ethereum dApp Builder
5 min readJan 24, 2019


As we begin 2019, our team is happy to release the new dApp Builder marketplace and we have created a walk-through on how to create custom dapps using this new marketplace.

dApp Builder marketplace.

dApp Builder marketplace — a place where anyone can create his own product and earn ETH and dap-tokens for distribution.

In our previous article we described the principle of the public part of the marketplace and the control panel. You could familiarize yourself with such features and capabilities as: adding new products, publishing products, adding categories, multilingual, displaying statistics.

In this article we will tell you about Marketplace and Custom dApps integration and also about Purchasing dApps and commission

1. Marketplace and Custom dApps integration

Go to Custom dApps page. There you can edit or publish your Custom dApps.

To publish a dApp, click “Publish” button next to one of the dApps you had created. The system will automatically redirect you to the Marketplace control panel, where you’ll have to fill in the information (check the previous article) and send the publication request.

Then, the Administrator must approve your request. When the request is approved, it gets the “Approved” status.

Go back to Custom dApps page and check the status:

The request is under review.

The dApp is published.

The status will also change at the control panel:

The Custom dApp at the new dApp creation page

While creating a dApp, you need to fill in the information about it (dApp name, short description) in two places: at the Custom dApp page when you create it and at the Marketplace.

at Custom dApps page:

at your Marketplace control panel:

At the new dApp creation page this information is shown according to the priority:

· the Marketplace information in the current language

· the Marketplace information in English

· the Marketplace information from the Custom dApp (in case, if the dApp is still at the testing stage and hadn’t been added to the Marketplace yet)

What Custom dApp are shown at the new dApp creation page:

· Free Custom dApps with “approved” status

· Paid Custom dApps with “approved” status

2. Purchasing dApps and commission

Developers can sell their dApps for ETH, and the platform will take a 10% commission from each purchase.

The payment system architecture

We have developed a smart contract that contains records about all paid products and their purchase. This contract contains methods of buying products both with ETH and all the aspects of the purchase, including the commission and the address, to which that commission will be transferred.

While creating a paid dApp, each developer uses the Metamask to add a record about the product containing the following information:

· price in ETH

· the ETH-address for receiving funds for purchases of this product. When the user adds a paid product to the Marketplace for the first time, the system saves this address. The system will insert this address automatically, when the user creates new paid dApps.

· the dApp ID in our centralized system (is inserted automatically)

Also, there is a possibility for a user to change the price and the ETH-address in that record.

In the public part of the Marketplace, at the paid product page (and on its’ tab in the list) there are its’ price and the “Buy” button. When user clicks that button and then confirms the purchase, an ETH/DAP transfer transaction is created.

After purchasing the dApp, that user will be able to create that dApp.

Closing Thoughts

Blockchain and its related technologies represents a new era for enterprises. And just like the advent of the Internet in the 1990s, this nascent technology is rapidly evolving and giving birth to new platforms, applications, consortia (think Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, R3, Hyperledger), and partnerships. Decentralized applications and smart contracts, in particular, provide a way to transact in a secure, immutable, transparent and auditable way.

The two technologies promise increased robustness by eliminating single point of failure that could exist in traditional centralized networks. Through decentralization, they shift the power in the network from the center to the edges, which means digital devices and applications gain greater autonomy and can become points of transaction and economic value creation for enterprises far and wide.

