We have finished the Development of MerkleTree Airdrop Dapp.

dApp Builder team
Ethereum dApp Builder
4 min readMar 12, 2019

Nodoubt about it, decentralized applications will greatly transform all enterprises across the globe. These new technologies will conceivably bring us to a place where almost everything is tradeable and almost everyone (think buyers, sellers and service providers) can participate.

The numbers don’t lie- according to studies, the blockchain market is estimated to experience a robust growth rate. One study, for example, projects the blockchain technology market to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 62.1 percent between 2015 and 2025 to reach $16.3 billion. The potential in terms of business impact is even more sobering! According to numbers from a study by Gartner, the business value-add of blockchain will grow to slightly more than $176 billion by 2025, and then it will exceed $3.1 trillion by 2030.

That’s why the dApp Builder team is working hard to enable businesses to easily deploy the blockchain technology.

We are happy to announce that we have created an extended version of MerkleTree Airdrop Dapp.

This new decentralized application (dApp) allows user to create Airdropbased on merkle-tree algorithm. It provides a way to store any amount of addresses that will receive tokens just in one hash-string. It makes deployment of such smart-contract much cheaper.

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You can start your own MerkleTree Airdrop Dapp by specifying parameters:

  • The address of the token that will be issued to users
  • Whitelist as a link to the google sheet, where the column A contains the addresses, and the column B the number of tokens for each address, or the .txt file in the format <address> <space> <number>

Next, choose a Gas Price and confirm the transaction:

After creating the dApp, it will appear in the list “My dApps”:

How it works:

  • Users can create a dApp using whitelist of token receivers in google sheet or .txt file in format [address][space][amount], specifying the token address that will be distributed.
  • Once the dApp is deployed, users can access its interface and check whether their address is in the whitelist. If yes, there will be one simple button to receive tokens.
  • A smart-contract is supposed to be filled with amount of tokens enough to pay all the users listed. If the balance goes low than that, airdrop will be paused.

Try it now on https://dappbuilder.io/builder

Or watch the code on https://github.com/DAPPBUILDER/dApp-Builder

Wrap Up

The dramatic rise of blockchain and its related technologies is making enterprises rethink their strategies. With blockchain, there is no central authority or centralized data storage, but instead the database is spread and replicated across all the nodes or computing devices participating in the system.

Any changes in the data are made through consensus process — where the majority of nodes agree the proposed update is correct. This means that a blockchain-based infrastructure provides a much greater security from cyber-criminals, is much more difficult to compromise and at the same time can allow users to remain in control of their own data.

That’s why top companies in various industries such as IT, finance, healthcare, supply chain, real estate, among others are testing blockchain to exchange information or make transactions. IBM, for example, is investing millions in blockchain-related projects. It recently partnered with Maersk, the world’s largest shipping company, and through the partnership, the two companies are working to create the so-called “TradeLens” supply chain solution.

This blockchain-based solution intends to keep track of essential shipping data on a worldwide scale. This has even seen 94 organizations take part in the testing and development of the TradeLens supply chain solution. In addition, this strong collaborative effort has seen the platform capture over 154 million shipping events over a multi-month period. Interesting to note is that, numbers from a Transparency Market research estimates that this supply chain solution will be a $32.9 billion global supply-chain business by 2026.

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