How does it feel when you learn Blockchain in your own native language?

Why we need to translate Ethereum into multiple languages ?

Eman Herawy
Ethereum Scholars Program
3 min readOct 23, 2019


Intro :
I’m a volunteer translator in Ethereum translation program to translate Ethereum into Arabic , my native language. Later In last 23rd Aug, Robert Greenfield IV shared the application form link in our slack channel “ DevCon scholar slack”, when I saw it I felt that it’s my duty towards all the Blockchain newbies in my community to participate, and I did.


I’ve entered the Blockchain domain later in late 2017, with no CS background just my curiosity to know more about Blockchain then this curiosity turned into passion and great enthusiasm about this technology and how it can make this world a better place. I decided that I will be a Blockchain developer next March “ after 4 months “ I did it but I’ve encountered lots of challenges because all the resources are in English.

Challenges :

  • If you are not at least intermediate or upper intermediate in English, you have to learn English first just to start learning about Blockchain .
  • Blockchain concepts are complex and advanced and language barrier adds extra layer of complexity. it’s easier for anyone to understand the complex concepts in his native language than any other language.
  • I do understand that if you want to communicate with the world outside , you have to use a widely used language “ English” but we can make it easier for newbies to get started without putting the language barrier as obstacle in their journey beginning . I’m trying hard to strength my language skills because I want to communicate with all the world but if I just want to communicate with my community , I don’t have.

I’m pretty sure that all who aren’t native nor fluent in English have encountered the same challenges in a way or other but if we can make Blockchain newbies in our communities suffer less, I believe that this a duty & we have to do it.


In order to keep Blockchain growing up , you need to spread the Blockchain spirit, concepts and ideas between locals not only technicians, you need to talk to them in their languages because they are surfing the internet with their native language ,so they need some resources in their native languages. This will increase their awareness when any killer Blockchain project comes raising Blockchain beauty flag.

Current progress:

Current update in 23rd Oct
current update 23rd Oct

Translation Challenges :

  • Some tech terms are hard to find the equivalent term in our native languages , sometimes because it’s uncommon and other times because they are new terms .
  • Translation is an art & not all tech people are talented in this art, that’s why I’m calling for hybrid translation team from talented translators and tech people to bring a well cohesive translated text

If we want to protect people from some killer projects ,we need to increase their awareness and these kind of project won’t find the space to live . #Education_first ;)

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the author above do not necessarily represent the views of the Ethereum Foundation.



Eman Herawy
Ethereum Scholars Program

Blockchain developer | @KERNEL fellow | @Chainlink developer expert | Devcon V Scholar Alumni @Ethereum