Magic at EthCC[3]🇫🇷✨

The Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians
3 min readApr 27, 2020

EthCC was an amazing organised Ethereum Community Conference!

Thank you Jerome and Bettina for hosting Ethereum Magicians at EthCC.

We used the time allocated to us for Community-related technical discussions. We hope that you enjoyed our sessions and the delicious unicorn cupcakes!

Photo album with pictures from those sessions is available there 📸


Ethereum Magicians are about connecting those in the Community interested in Ethereum Development with Researchers and Core developers.

In introduction, Anett mentioned the importance of Ethereum Magicians as an organised group that wants to facilitate discussions about Ethereum development. We are there for the community. Although our mission has evolved by the time and we are not a community full of rings — Working Groups. Our community has evolved into community folk, core devs, researchers discussing the evolution of the platform and EIPs.
Slides available there

“How to Run Ethereum Node” Workshop

This session was community-organised via our forum. Felipe kicked off this session with a short intro about Ethereum, told us about node infrastructure and client diversity. The next speaker was William who talked about the benefits of decentralisation. Greg then spoke about the benefits of running nodes, and his experiences with them. Felipe described how he tried to run Ethereum Besu node. Greg was sharing his experiences how he built his own ARM node, describing hardware and software details. William tried to run his own node based on Greg’s article and so he shared his experiences. Last, William shared some insights about running ETH2.0 node, what’s like to run ETH2.0 node, clients and more. This was an amazing presentation!

Slides are available there

Stateless Ethereum Session

We invited the Stateless Ethereum working group — researchers, core devs, Piper, Alexey, and Vitalik and others to join this session and have an open Q&A with the community. Piper kicked off this session with intro into Stateless Ethereum. Many questions from the community were answered by those in the circle (see a list of them here). The whole discussion was 2 times longer than it was planned (we didn’t want to cut it off as the discussion was super interesting)!

If you’re curious about Stateless Ethereum or want to know more about where Eth1 will head in the near future, check out the notes from this session.

Thank you, Tim Beiko from Ethereum Cat Herders for notes from this session!

Full notes available there
Links to questions and answers

Ethereum Magicians Council

We celebrated our third Birthday at EthCC with Unicorn cupcakes! Our discussion continued with a discussion about ProgPoW, which began with a video featuring a Q&A with Greg Colvin. Afterwards, although we were full of sugar (or maybe because of it) we spent more than an hour talking about ProgPoW and protocol governance. Everyone was respectful and kind, which is how things usually are at Magicians’ gatherings.

Last words

Thank you so much to everyone who supported us at Gitcoin CLR Matching round 5. Our work is voluntarily based and we would love to support the community more. Thank you for contributions to our grant and supporting the community 💙

Updates from Ethereum Magicians coming soon ✨

Stay Magical ✨

