OG Council Vibe and Expectations

The Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians
4 min readApr 13, 2022


What to expect when attending OG Council, Schedule run through, Sessions overview and speakers, vibes ✨

We are looking for a few help hands on the ground for both days. Help us make this event better — Apply as Voluteer!

Setting the expectations

To make things clear, we are going to meet at the OG Council and discuss difficulties on Ethereum, work on EIPs, discuss EIPs and ERCs in person. This will be a place for you to shill your EIP — discuss your EIP with the community, work out ideas around EIPs, protocol standards, dApp development etc…

OG Council (and all Ethereum Magicians gatherings) are about creating a safe space for developers to talk about tech. We want you to bring your EIP and shill it, convince the community why your EIP should be implemented to the chain, what differs your EIP from many others available, why your standard matter, how we as a community should support protocol layer and dApplication level changes… Talk about core protocol governance, design changes, improvements, consensus, technical difficulties on Ethereum and everything related.


We will open doors at 9am on both days. We highly encourage you to come between 9am-10am to get the most out of the OG Council. We will kick off the event with Council, our typical ceremony where we introduce Ethereum Magicians, our plans to support the community and help improve the ecosystem. We will give a chance to the community to discuss problems we are facing in the Ethereum ecosystem and let the people discuss these issues. Council initially started as a big governance forum; this differs on every event as the ecosystem is growing rapidly and so does development. We are trying to keep the discussions on point and talk about improvements in the ecosystem and governance. On the second day (Sunday) we will keep the Council ceremony a bit shorter as we are expecting many people attending both days.

Governance Forum

We are going to host Governance Forum on Sunday Morning which will be focused on Ethereum's transition to PoS. How these changes will affect DeFi,DAO and NFT ecosystem and many more interesting questions and answers from leaders of the industry.

Topic voting

After Council we will do session topic voting, we highly encourage you to propose a topic and vote after registration. We will have a few sessions set in stone but the rest will be open and we are happy to host more sessions, accept proposals for topics and discuss. We will have a huge venue which allows us to host more sessions at the same time.


Our schedule is pretty open, we will have a lot of space to accommodate various sessions. We will provide an open schedule and space for anyone to facilitate a session.

Full schedule will be available on OG Council website anytime soon.

Day 1 — Saturday April 23rd

Session will be more open for the wider community to discuss dApp layer EIPs, bring your EIP and let’s discuss how to improve dApps from EIP and standards perspective. We will be hosting:

Day 2 — Sunday April 24th

Governance forum discussion about transition to PoS, protocol design, future of Ethereum. Continued by sessions focused on protocol layer EIPs, Merge Testing, Client UX, Portal network — stateless client, EIP-4488. We will be hosting:

Both days our sessions will end around 5:30–6pm. We will have some time allocated for networking by the end of the day as well as lunch break at noon and coffee break in the afternoon.

Unfortunately we are not going to give out more tickets as we don’t want to oversell too much. We are aiming for quality over quantity in order to have more impactful discussions. Please cancel your ticket if your plans have changed so other people can attend the event.

We are looking forward to have a two day event full of amazing discussions! Let’s have a productive time together and make the Ethereum ecosystem a better place.

OG Council Website

OG Council Magicians forum post

Stay Magical ✨

