Safestake Galileo Incentivized Testnet : “Operators” Onboarding Announcement

Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2022

SafeStake is a trust-minimized, middle-layer fostering decentralization of ETH2.0 staking. SafeStake is also a non-custodial infrastructure for distributed validator technology written in Rust that implements HotStuff consensus and Threshold signing architecture to provide more robust security for ETH 2.0 PoS.

SafeStake will be under the governance of the ParaState DAO. We are targeting to launch the Galileo incentivized testnet in July. And we expect to implement SafeStake within the ParaState ecosystem todrive an extensive demand for $STATE tokens after the ETH2.0 PoS merge.

We are starting with an early access program for a limited number of “Operators.” Secure your spot by submitting an onboarding form as soon as you can. Verified operators will have a chance to win one free-mint ParaState governance NFT and have early access to the testnet rewards. Welcome to SafeStake!

About ParaState

ParaState takes Ethereum chain support to the next level through WasmEdge. Develop and execute high-speed smart contracts with built-in Ethereum compatibility (EVM and EWASM) and interoperability in next-level programming languages like Rust, C ++, and Golang.

Parastate is participating in ETH2.0 PoS Staking with a new tech stack called SafeStake, a trust-minimized, middle-layer fostering the decentralization of ETH2.0 staking. SafeStake is a non-custodial infrastructure for distributed validator technology written in Rust, implementing HotStuff consensus and Threshold signing architecture to provide more robust security for ETH 2.0 PoS.

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