Roadmap Q2: EPNS Showrunners Framework and Backend SDK Beta v1.0 are Live!

EPNS allows protocols to seamlessly send notifications about important events to their user base.

Push Protocol
3 min readJun 25, 2021


We are thrilled to announce the release of two new open-source EPNS tools to enhance the integration and implementation of EPNS Decentralized Notifications within your dApps and protocols, the EPNS Backend SDK Beta v1.0 and the EPNS Showrunners Framework; two of our most anticipated roadmap milestones for Q2.

More detailed information can be found on our Roadmap 2021 blog post.

Showrunners Framework in short

  • Allows developers & protocols to send decentralized notifications with custom logic to EPNS Protocol from backend servers.
  • Includes a highly customizable scheduling engine that allows for setting up recurrent verifications to trigger notifications.
  • This framework relies entirely on the EPNS Backend SDK explained below. However, this doesn’t limit developers to use the SDK directly if a full Showrunners framework implementation is not necessary.

Showrunners Framework Github

Back-end SDK in short

  • Allows developers & protocols for easy access to EPNS common functionalities from within their backends. For instance: getSubscribedUsers and sendNotification.
  • This SDK also comes packed with tooling for easy debugging and testing of notifications through the simulate object.
  • npm package available at

EPNS Backend SDK Github

Do you want to try the EPNS Backend SDK?

We have several resources for those interested in start experimenting with the Showrunners framework and the Backend SDK or contributing to them

Example Apps

To help developers get started with the Showrunners Framework and using the new SDK, our public Showrunners repo includes sample implementations that we have worked for our Pilot Program Collaborations. This repository aims to serve as a reference for a comprehensive Showrunners implementation containing both simple and complex demonstrations of how to integrate EPNS with other popular protocols and services.

This video briefly describes the implementation we worked for Uniswap to notify users when a new Governance Proposal is submitted. It also shows how to use Postman to trigger notifications for debugging and testing purposes; and how a full round-trip looks like — from the moment a new proposal is submitted until the user gets the notification in their Mobile App and click on it to view it.


Stay Connected

If you are interested in providing feedback and working more closely with our development team to improve EPNS for developers, we invite you to join our Discord Community Server.

As usual, this is evergreen documentation that we will keep building, updating, and improving.

About Ethereum Push Notification Service (EPNS)

EPNS is a decentralized notification protocol that enables users (wallet addresses) to receive notifications. Using the protocol, any dApp, service or smart contract can send notifications to users in a platform-agnostic fashion (mobile, tablet, web, user wallets, etc).

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