Swarm Orange Summit 2019 — Recap

Swarm Orange Summit brings together the Ethereum Foundation Swarm team members and core contributors in an environment of total immersion with honorary guests representing projects and companies interested in Swarm. This year’s gathering was held at EpicLab’s office in Madrid 23-25 May.

Swarm Foundation
Ethereum Swarm
3 min readJul 11, 2019


The first day of Swarm Orange Summit 2019 was marked by broader questions of how to scale the network and in the search for possible solutions.

Swarm’s mission is to provide censorship resistant storage and communication infrastructure for a sovereign digital society — emphasized Swarm’s team lead, Viktor Tron, opening the three days of talks and presentations. To make that possible, the team working hard to make the network stable, scalable and ultimately economically sustainable.

Building this kind of a storage and communication layer raises certain questions that need to be solved, Tron added, such as discoverability (how can nodes find each other in the network), imposition (how a recipient can expect to receive messages from a sender), interactivity (what throughput and latency is tolerated/required) and privacy (how much information is leaked).

Read more about day 1 here.

While day one was focused more on issues of scaling, encryption, and incentives, day two put the focus back on concrete use cases of Swarm for DApp development.

We kicked off the second day of Swarm Orange Summit with a set of two talks that focused on Swarm’s deployments and devops / infrastructure management. Anton Evangelatov and Rafael Matias were the first to take the stage. Their talk was centred on running and testing large-scale Swarm deployments on a kubernetes cluster with bundled tracing, log aggregation, metrics, and dashboards — using tools such as OpenTracing, Jaeger, InfluxDB and Grafana.

Read more about day 2 here.

The last day of the summit was dedicated to ideas of novel social interaction and decentralized content delivery.

The awesome communal spirit that remains Swarm’s distinctive trait pervaded day three of the Swarm Orange Summit. It is in this spirit that we wanted to open the last day of the talks so we put the community forum as the first item on the day’s agenda. Sitting on Epic Labs’ conference room’s steel-tiled floor, comfortably snugged in beanie bags or sitting on the colourful cushioned chairs the developers from the Swarm team and collaborating projects began discussing the needs of both sides.

In the following hour of flowing ideas, suggestions and constructive criticism we managed to create a more coherent picture of what our community needs from us and what kind of contributions we would like to see from them.

Read more about day 3 here.

The Swarm team is reachable on Mattermost.

Discussions about Swarm on /r/ethswarm and /r/ethereum subreddits.

Please feel free to reach out via info@ethswarm.org



Swarm Foundation
Ethereum Swarm

Swarm is a system of peer-to-peer networked nodes that create a decentralised storage. Website: https://www.ethswarm.org/