We Are Millions — Game Contest Day — Recap

Swarm Hive
Ethereum Swarm
Published in
1 min readMar 22, 2022

The last day of talks and panels at the We Are Millions Hackathon and Festival was reserved for gamers and gaming. “Game Contest Day” was dedicated to gaming in general and gaming in Web3.

You’ll find a link to each part from “Game Contest Day” below.

The qualification round of the Nordic Game Discovery Contest Season VI

The winner of the qualification round of the Nordic Game Discovery Contest was announced after a four-round selection process.

Watch the event here.

Panel Pwned: Web3 and the gaming industry

Tadej Fius (Resistance / Fair Data Society), Laurence Philip (Win.com), Mick (Merit Circle) and Petra Wilson (Zombie Orpheus Entertainment) discussed how Web3 is changing gaming. They looked at how Web3 is slowly but surely edging its way into game design and how its disruptive potential is changing gamers’ and gaming communities’ relations to games.

Watch the event here.

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