Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade: Ushering in ‘The Surge’ Era

Etette Etok
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2024

Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade was activated on the Ethereum mainnet at epoch 269568, at around 10:00 ET — 15:00 WAT.
It has introduced “blobs” to reduce Layer 2 transaction costs.

The Ethereum network has embarked on a new chapter with the Dencun upgrade, a pivotal step in its continuous evolution. This significant update marks the beginning of ‘The Surge’ era, focusing on enhancing the network’s scalability, efficiency, and security.

The Surge: Ethereum’s Scalability Solution

Ethereum has once again proven its commitment to innovation and scalability with the launch of the Dencun upgrade. This upgrade is not just a technical enhancement; it’s the culmination of years of meticulous planning and development, marking the onset of ‘The Surge’ era.

“The Surge” is the second phase of the Ethereum developmental roadmap where the blockchain is poised to scale using rollups. These rollups process transactions off-chain, ensuring quicker and more cost-effective throughput without competing for space on the Ethereum blockchain. The Surge aims to enhance the scalability of the blockchain by targeting a throughput of 100,000 transactions per second across Ethereum and layer 2 networks.

What is the Dencun Upgrade?

The Dencun upgrade, a combination of the previously anticipated Cancun and Deneb upgrades, introduces several Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs), with EIP-4844 for proto-danksharding being particularly noteworthy. This proposal is designed to optimize gas fees and improve network scalability, addressing the blockchain trilemma of balancing security, decentralization, and scalability.

The Genesis of Dencun

The Dencun upgrade’s roots can be traced back to the visionary concepts proposed by Ethereum’s developers, including Vitalik Buterin. The idea of proto-danksharding, a cornerstone of the Dencun upgrade, was first theorized by Buterin in 2019. It aimed to revolutionize the data storage mechanism on Ethereum, addressing the pressing issue of high transaction fees and network congestion.

The Road to Dencun

Following the successful implementation of ‘The Merge’ in September 2022, Ethereum’s focus shifted towards scalability. The Dencun upgrade, initially known as the Cancun and Deneb proposals, underwent months of rigorous testing on Ethereum’s testnets. The network disclosed in late February 2024 that the Dencun upgrade was ready for deployment.

The Dencun upgrade was activated on the Ethereum mainnet at epoch 269568, at around 3:00 pm WAT. With this upgrade, Ethereum Layer 2 rollups can now use “blobs” instead of the “calldata” method for posting transactions — offering a direct path to fee reduction and passing these savings to end users.
‘Blobs’ are intended to enhance Ethereum by improving data availability while not affecting the current infrastructure, thereby reducing transaction costs on Layer 2s such as Base, Optimism, Arbitrum One, zkSync, Starknet, and several others. A separate fee market for blobs will attempt to maintain low transaction costs for Layer 2s, even in times of high network congestion.

The Impact of Dencun Upgrade

The Dencun upgrade is expected to significantly reduce the transaction fees of layer-2 networks and enhance Ethereum’s overall scalability. It introduces a new place for storing data on the blockchain, referred to as “blobs,” which allows for a dedicated space separate from regular transactions at a lower cost.

The Benefits of Layer-2 Rollups

Off-Chain Execution: Transactions are processed off-chain, leading to faster and cheaper transaction throughput.

Transaction Aggregation: Multiple transactions are bundled into a single compressed form of transaction data after off-chain execution.

Posting to Main Chain: The compressed transaction data (‘rollup’) is then posted to the Ethereum main chain (Layer-1).

Data Availability: Despite off-chain processing, the main Ethereum blockchain ensures that transaction-related data remains accessible and verifiable by all participants.


The Dencun upgrade is a testament to Ethereum’s resilience and adaptability. By reducing data fees and improving scalability, Ethereum continues to pave the way for widespread adoption and utility across various sectors, including DeFi 2.0. The journey from the first proposal to the actual deployment of Dencun reflects the community’s dedication to Ethereum’s vision and its future.



Etette Etok

A multifaceted professional with expertise in software engineering, blockchain development and facilitation, technical writing, and artificial intelligence.