Zerion Community Update: October 2021

Zerion Community Update: October 2021

Here’s what we’ve been up to 🚀

Rebecca Mqamelo


Hey friends. This month we dropped the “gm” for “bd” as our team headed to Portugal. Watch Alexander Guy’s presentation at LisCon on why we’re doubling down on NFTs, and check out the host of features we’ve rolled out since June to make your collectibles a little more magical.

Let’s talk user privacy in web3

Have you ever wondered how Zerion handles your user data, or any defi application, for that matter? Maybe it’s time you did.

Personal finance is a place where privacy matters. In web3, this is even more important because what constitutes your “financial portfolio” increasingly says a lot about who you are — from the governance tokens you hold to the NFTs that prove you’re a part of a community.

Here’s what you need to know about how Zerion handles user privacy:

  • We don’t cross-associate wallet data
  • We don’t track IP addresses
  • We removed Google Analytics on our web app
  • We’ve made opt-outs more visible
  • We never share your data with third parties

👉 Read the full blogpost here

In the media

  • The NFT Hypemachine and Community Empowerment. Watch Alexander Guy’s presentation at LisCon.
  • How do you onboard DeFi’s next billion users? Catch the Defiant’s jam session on frontends with Evgeny Yurtaev and our friends at Dharma, Argent, Zapper and InstaDapp.
  • Get a sneak peek of David Hoffman’s NFT collection on Zerion. Watch the Bankless show here.
  • Beyond the DeFi horizon. Watch our interview with DeFi Slate.


We’d thought we’d spice things up a little with a monthly meme contest. Find this month’s meme template here. Once you’re done making your meme, submit it at this link. We’ll pick a new Zerion Memelord every month.

P.S Don’t forget that you can sign up to receive this newsletter directly in your inbox each month:

