Bit Hotel Brings Social-First Gaming to Etherlink

Bit Hotel users can now experience seamless gameplay on Etherlink, an EVM-compatible, non-custodial Layer 2 blockchain powered by Tezos Smart Rollups technology.

Etherlink Community
2 min readJun 17, 2024


Bit Hotel, a unique social open-world hotel game, has arrived on Etherlink. It’s not just a platform; it’s a vibrant community — a place where you can forge real connections and immerse yourself in authentic social experiences. With its launch on Etherlink, Bit Hotel brings a new dimension to online interaction.

Bit Hotel features on-chain items, including characters, hotel rooms, furniture, and artifacts. These NFTs can be traded on the open market. Players can meet, interact, compete in mini-games, climb the global leaderboard, and host gatherings in their virtual rooms. For DAOs and communities, it offers clubhouses for organizing events and activities.

The integration with Etherlink is a strategic move that significantly benefits Bit Hotel’s user experience. Etherlink’s low fees are a game-changer, especially for the 60% of Bit Hotel users who are new to Web3. Bit Hotel covers gas costs to make the gameplay seamless and affordable, creating a smooth onboarding experience for players from all backgrounds..

Etherlink facilitates seamless in-game experiences, including minting items with incredibly low costs, a crucial feature for Bit Hotel’s large user base.

Leon Lanen, Bit Hotel’s co-founder and COO, highlights the role of Etherlink in enabling cost-efficiency as the game scales:

“Bit Hotel has always struggled to keep up with gas costs since its launch. With our user base reaching 200K, these costs became substantial. The integration with Etherlink was a game-changer for us, providing the perfect solution to our challenges: low gas fees.”

Visit Bit Hotel to compete in mini-games, socialize in your custom-decorated room, and join community events.

To stay updated with what’s coming next, follow Etherlink on Twitter and Discord.



Etherlink Community

A decentralized & EVM compatible Layer-2 blockchain built on Tezos.