Welcome to Etherlink: Revolutionizing Decentralization in Ethereum Layer 2

Etherlink Community
2 min readMar 7, 2024

Welcome to Etherlink: Revolutionizing Decentralization in Ethereum Layer 2

Hey there, and welcome to the Etherlink blog — the go-to destination for all things decentralized and innovative: Etherlink!

Etherlink isn’t your average Layer 2 (L2) solution. In addition to providing shockingly low fees, Etherlink is the most decentralized EVM-compatible Layer 2 solution out there.

To kick off our Medium channel, we’re diving straight into what sets Etherlink apart in the vast Ethereum Layer 2 landscape, and get ready for exciting updates on our roadmap and upcoming projects in the coming weeks!

Etherlink vision: True decentralization

Our vision goes beyond just scalability — we’re paving the way for a future where Layer 2 solutions are truly decentralized, affordable, and secure. Introducing groundbreaking features like a decentralized sequencer, not only just changes the game; but sets the standard for what decentralization should look like.

Developer-centric innovation

We know that developers are the backbone of innovation in the blockchain space. That’s why we’ve built Etherlink to empower developers to build the next generation of decentralized applications without sacrificing security or breaking the bank. With Etherlink, developers can focus on what they do best — creating incredible amazing Web3 experiences for users.

Designed for Dapp users

But our vision doesn’t stop with developers — it extends to users like you who are seeking seamless, secure, and affordable experiences in the Web3 space. In the Etherlink ecosystem, you can enjoy super low transaction fees and protection against tactics like MEV manipulation. Whether you’re into DeFi, gaming, or NFTs, there’s nothing Etherlink can’t handle.

What’s next for Etherlink?

Our journey is just getting started, and we want you to be a part of it. As Etherlink continues to evolve, we’ll be rolling out new features and enhancements to make sure that everyone has access to a decentralized, secure, and affordable experience. So stay tuned — the best is yet to come!

Join the Etherlink community

Ready to join us on this exciting adventure? Become a part of the Etherlink community today! Follow us on Twitter, join our Discord server, and keep up with all the latest updates right here on our Medium channel. And if you’re a developer looking to deploy on Etherlink, we’ve got you covered — learn how to get started here.

Welcome to Etherlink — where decentralization meets innovation, and the possibilities are endless. Let’s revolutionize the future of blockchain together! 🚀



Etherlink Community

A decentralized & EVM compatible Layer-2 blockchain built on Tezos.