Battle Ladder 6 & play-to-earn NFT gaming

Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2021

Across Ethermon, there is one burning question on everyone’s mind:

How can all of you — from game grinders to savvy strategists, from ladder leaders to the newest noobs — earn more?

As we continue developing a first-of-its-kind MMORPG experience in Decentraland, we are also committed to giving you more ways to earn EMON tokens by battling in PvP Ladder Tournaments.

See below for details on our newest play-to-earn battle ladder!


We have made it possible for many more of you to play to-earn in the new Ladder 6 “P2E Launchpad” by requiring only 1 onchain Mon, all Mon types, and a lower level threshold. To be eligible for ladder 6, you must meet the following requirements:

At least 1 on-chain Mon

You must form a team with at least 1 on-chain Mon, excluding the starter Mons (i.e., Hambrisk, Snobbit, Kyari, Omnom, and Mintol). You can purchase an on-chain Mon NFT from the Ethermon Store, secondary Ethermon Market, secondary Opensea Market, or even acquire it elsewhere (such as through a Discord giveaway on one of our weekly community calls).

Note: You can also now purchase Mons with EMON that you earn from playing by visiting our the official Ethermon Store. Off-chain Mons that you earned for free through quests or by simply opening an account are not eligible.

Level 1–20 only

You must also form a team in which all Mons are a maximum of level 20.

Form 1 only

Same as ladder 5, all Mons on your team must not exceed Form 1.

Please note: After you form a team and start battling, Mons on your team may gain XP and exceed level 50 during the tournament. This means you will no longer be eligible to participate and will be unable battling other players.

However, your team can still be attacked. Although you cannot gain any ladder points from passively winning battles against you, you will lose ladder points for those you passive battles you lose.

Always make sure to keep a strategic eye on your team and, as necessary, replace any ineligible Mons with a new Mon that meets the ladder requirements.

No more than 2 accounts

We consider that you may play alongside others in your household. However, to limit the abuse of multiple accounts, only the top 2 accounts per household will be rewarded EMON.

Ladder 6 Rewards

Now, ladder 6 rewards are a bit simpler than Ladder 5. First of all, you will receive the same tournament prizes as Ladder 5, as shown below.

Beyond these tournament prizes, the total weeky prize pot for this play-to-earn ladder is 25,000 EMON! For each and every battle you win, you will also earn EMON. The amount of EMON per win is calculated by dividing the prize pot by the total number of wins. Written as a formula, this means:

EMON per win = (25,000 EMON) / (total # wins across all players)

Ladder 6 player example

Let’s take the same example we used for a player in ladder 5 and applied it here. To repeat the scenario, you won 100 battles and earned 500 ladder to place 9th in the ladder. This time, it doesn’t matter how other players places. It only matters how many total wins there were — so let’s say there were 20,000 total wins (assuming there are 200 other players just like you).

First, let’s calculate how much EMON you will earn per win:

(25,000 EMON) / (20,000 total wins) = 1.25 EMON per win

(1.25 EMON per win) × (your 100 wins) = 125 EMON

In this, scenario you earned 125 EMON plus your 50 EMON tournament prize for taking 9th place for a total 175 EMON. Not bad, my friend.

Happy P2E battling! ⚡️

About Ethermon is a pioneer of Ethereum based blockchain gaming. It was initially launched in 2017, making it one of the longest standing NFT projects. With over 200 Mons in existence and a multi-verse game presence, Ethermon has become one of the more robust gaming ecosystems in the market. Mons can now be found within the 2D turn based web version AND the 3D open world of Decentraland where Ethermon trainers will be able to Play to Earn in multiple ways.

Join the community building the best Play to Earn Game Verse in the Metaverse and beyond! Follow our social channels and join the discord / telegram to begin your Ethermon Adventure today!

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