Ethermon Community Call Wrap up Week 9 (August 11, 2021)

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3 min readAug 12, 2021

We had another amazing community call in the Ethermon discord this week! We love to see the attendance continue to grow and the passion really shine through from the audience when we’re speaking.

Already CipherWill has become great source material for meme factory, we hope to see that continue 😂 The community has already assigned him as RoboWill, SexyvoiceWill, and DelayWill haha. You guys are crushing us with your sense of humor during these calls. We also had a bit of a mishap with the weekly POAP #9 as well but toward the end of the call the problem was fixed and minting was re-enabled. We will be introducing new raffles down the line for POAP holders so stay collecting!

But on a more serious note, we covered a few very important discussion topics that the community needs to hear more about if you weren’t able to attend. Our amazing community mods were able to capture some of the key talking points.



  • 3 Fire Mons are required to participate in new ladder
  • 0.5 EMON PER WIN
  • Off-chain Mons confirmed usable in new ladder


  • Web socket server development ran into some short term issues, are being corrected and will be implemented soon to facilitate the shared Mon experience


  • Reminder that next week will be the Silver Ticket Bi-weekly distribution


  • Re-designing of the map is in progress, reason for the extended relaunch time.
  • Target release date for revamped adventure mode is mid September

Also we experimented with a new community call format by having livestreams broadcasting from both Discord and YouTube platforms. We did this to bypass the 50 viewer limitation when live streaming on Discord.

It worked out great as more than 100 people were now able to see our screen share on YT but the problem with having so many discord bot functions for giveaways poses a challenge for future coordination. Having you guys watch us on YouTube and then having to go back to Discord to participate in the giveaway bots is a little janky so we’ll be working on figuring out a solution.

To check out the recorded livestream you can visit our Ethermon YouTube Channel 👇

Big thanks to all who attend these meetups and are helping grow this community. MonSquad is only getting stronger by the day 🔥 🔥 🔥

About Ethermon is a pioneer of Ethereum based blockchain gaming. It was initially launched in 2017, making it one of the longest standing NFT projects. With over 200 Mons in existence and a multi-verse game presence, Ethermon has become one of the more robust gaming ecosystems in the market. Mons can now be found within the 2D turn based web version AND the 3D open world of Decentraland where Ethermon trainers will be able to Play to Earn in multiple ways.

Join the community building the best Play to Earn Game Verse in the Metaverse and beyond! Follow our social channels and join the discord / telegram to begin your Ethermon Adventure today!*F7od-M64zfNkKPEI.png

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Collect, train, battle and join epic adventures with your cute little Monsters on the blockchain. Website: