Ethermon Community Round Up August 27th 2021

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4 min readAug 27, 2021

Ethermon community continues to thrive and show strong signs of growth across the board. We’re well on our way to solidifying ourselves as one of the top play-to-earn game verses in existence. Already major players in the blockchain space are starting to recognize this. Coingecko has recently published an article detailing the Top 7 Play-to-Earn Games and we were listed among them. We are absolutely thrilled to be recognized among some of the greats pushing this movement forward. It is thanks to all of you loyal Ethermon Trainers we have gotten to this point.


The discord community continues to expand as we’re now over 12k total Mon Trainers! On top of this, our Twitter presence is also increasing as we now have over 15k followers! Unbelievable the amount of interest and growth we’ve seen over the last couple of months. Welcome to all the new Trainers, we have tons of exciting updates coming soon.

Play to Earn Expansion

With this increase in community members means a rise in in-game participation. We’ve already been seeing it in both 2D and 3D platforms. $4,542 USD worth of rewards have been earned THIS week alone in Ladder 5! Seeing the community earn this amount of value consistently from the Ethermon ecosystem has always been our first priority goal, and to see it happen is amazing!

Silver Ticket

Ever since we began the Silver Ticket rewards we’ve seen massive increase in Decentraland game participation. At the time of writing this we have passed the 2 million ticket mark collected by the community of Trainers! Absolutely bonkers 🤯

However, during our last community call we discussed how the Silver Ticket era was coming to an end. From the beginning we made it clear the Silver Ticket system was going to be our testing method to understanding which incentive models to incorporate into the design of the Ethermon metaverse economy. As we get closer to rolling out the first pieces of content to initiate the ecosystem, we’re entering a transition phase away from Silver Tickets to actual in-game resource collecting giving Trainers the opportunity to earn consistently.

The next bi-weekly distribution will be the last one where we distribute EMON and Mons to collectors. We will introduce new reward distribution methods to reward everyone who has been participating over the last few months. If you have tickets you will be able to turn these in at chances to win some really cool prizes! Official details on this coming soon.

New Community Mods

The community of Moderators in the Ethermon Discord continues to expand. We now have over 30 individual community leaders taking on the role. We can’t thank every one of you guys enough for all that you do. Whether it’s ensuring the correct messaging is being relayed to the international community, or saving our butts in the community calls when bots go down, you moderators are contributing in a massive way to the rapid expansion we’ve seen in our communities growth.

Having said that, we are continually looking for more to join the ranks of the moderator team and through your contributions earn yourself exclusive Mons and even eventually direct payment opportunities! Application to become a mod here

Inchapp Mon Reward for Mods!

Already rewards are in place to Mods who show consistent engagement and support for the Ethermon community. Coming soon will be an Inchapp distribution to the Mods who completed all the Tier 1 objectives below 🔻 Future exclusive Mons for higher tier objective completion are also on the way!


Exclusive Mon NFT (only available to Mods)

Bio: Its body generates electricity every time it moves. When connected with other Inchapps can create huge intricate electrically-communicated societies.

Type: Insect/Lightning

Evolution: Inchapp does not transform/evolve.

About Ethermon is a pioneer of Ethereum based blockchain gaming. It was initially launched in 2017, making it one of the longest standing NFT projects. With over 200 Mons in existence and a multi-verse game presence, Ethermon has become one of the more robust gaming ecosystems in the market. Mons can now be found within the 2D turn based web version AND the 3D open world of Decentraland where Ethermon trainers will be able to Play to Earn in multiple ways.

Join the community building the best Play to Earn Game Verse in the Metaverse and beyond! Follow our social channels and join the discord / telegram to begin your Ethermon Adventure today!

Official Links

Twitter | Telegram | Discord | Website | Medium




Collect, train, battle and join epic adventures with your cute little Monsters on the blockchain. Website: