Ethermon <> Quickswap Introduce EMON Liquidity Rewards

Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2021

Ethermon is thrilled to announce LP rewards are now LIVE for two Quickswap EMON token pairs!

We’re actively pushing gameplay development to incorporate many use cases and benefits for EMON token holders. In order to sustain our rollout plans and realize EMONs potential as the fuel to Ethermon’s play to earn economy, we need to ensure the token is more accessible by incentivizing liquidity to move to QuickSwap.

What is QuickSwap?

QuickSwap is a fork of Uniswap that runs on the layer 2 Polygon network. The AMM DEX is almost identical to Uniswap v2 but allows users to trade at lightning fast speeds (1–2 seconds) with no gas costs.

Currently there exist 2 pools for the EMON token that you can earn rewards from on Quickswap. Below are the rewards that are to be distributed to Liquidity Provider pools for each.


10 $Quick daily reward allocation (1 QUICK ~ $800)


5 $QUICK daily reward allocation (1 QUICK ~ $800)

How To Earn Rewards

Deposit some EMON / ETH to L2 via the Matic bridge. Do this by following the 6 step process as described below to transfer assets from L1 to L2.

Step 1 Set up your Matic RPC by following this guide to configure, this will allow you to switch between Ethereum Mainnet layer 1 and Matic Mainnet layer 2 networks when needed

Step 2 Go to the official Matic bridge and connect your wallet (stay on Ethereum Mainnet) to transfer assets from L1 to L2. Be sure you have ETH in your wallet

Step 3 Click “Move funds to Matic Button

Step 4 Input desired amount of Token you want to migrate into swapping tool and hit “Transfer” button. Hit continue on every prompt until wallet asks for signature to initiate transfer

Step 5 Pay your gas fee and wait for transfer to clear (usually takes 6 to 9 minutes)

Step 6 When transfer is complete (you can check etherscan to verify “success”). You can also switch your wallet from Ethereum Mainnet to Matic Mainnet to verify that your ETH was deposited and your new WETH balance reflects the amount of ETH you transferred over

To acquire QUICK or MATIC on L2, use Quickswap DEX to swap for them. Video tutorial below instructing how.

-credits to hodl dog

Add Liquidity to one or both of the pools, similar to how you would add to Uniswap.



Find EMON in the archived list of pools on Quickswap, stake your LP tokens, and you will start earning rewards in Quick!

About Ethermon is a pioneer of Ethereum based blockchain gaming. It was initially launched in 2017, making it one of the longest standing NFT projects. With over 200 Mons in existence and a multi-verse game presence, Ethermon has become one of the more robust gaming ecosystems in the market. Mons can now be found within the 2D turn based web version AND the 3D open world of Decentraland where Ethermon trainers will be able to Play to Earn in multiple ways.

Join the community building the best Play to Earn Game Verse in the Metaverse and beyond! Follow our social channels and join the discord / telegram to begin your Ethermon Adventure today!

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