Transform Your Mons on Polygon

Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2022

In the beginning, Ethermon launched on the Ethereum network. Since moving to Polygon for a faster and more affordable player experience, we have been redeveloping each smart contract required for onchain in-game activities.

One of these key activities is transforming your Mons — giving you a massive edge as you advance in the Ethermon Classic Battle Ladders. Although some Mons only have 1 form, many have 1 or even 2 higher forms that they can evolve into. These higher forms can be incredibly powerful, allowing you to take a relatively weak Mon and transform it into one of the most dominant Mons in the game.

Introducing Polygon Transformations

With all Mons currently on the Polygon Network, you have only experienced the upper limits of the Form 1 versions of these Mon collections. These Mons include the Prismatic release set as well as the more common Genesis Reborn (or “GR”) release set. If you haven’t experienced it already with the OG Genesis collection on the Ethereum network, get ready to add a whole new dimension to your gameplay strategy!

Very soon — at 4 am UTC on Monday, March 14 — we are launching this new feature with Pistaccoul, who transforms into the formidable Fantasnut.

How do you Transform your Mons?

In order to transform, you will need to:

  1. Own all 3 ancestors* for Pistaccoul: Pudde, Endorr, and Fuirrel.
  2. Advance your Pistaccoul to level 34 and claim all your XP/Levels.
  3. Go to your Mon page in your inventory and click “Transform” to make the onchain Polygon transaction.

*Note: A Mon’s Ancestors must be on the same network (i.e., Polygon, in this case) in order to allow it to transform.

When you transform, you will effectively be burning your lower form Mon out of circulation (e.g., Pistaccoul), while minting the next higher form Mon (e.g., Fantasnut) with a new random perfection roll.

See below for a side by side comparison of the base stats and stat increase per level of Pistacoul vs. Fantasnut.

Your evolved Mon will start at level 1 with higher base stats (on average) and, in the case of Fantasnut case, a higher increase in SA + SP every time you level up. For this reason, evolved Mons will be able to delete lower forms quite easily, even when the evolved Mon is at a significantly lower level.

About Ethermon

Ethermon is the first NFT battle game. Since the mint of the first Mons in 2017, it has been massively redeveloped by a community-led team and successful IDO in 2021. Join the community building the best Play to Earn Game in the Metaverse and beyond!

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