Etherparty AMA Summary

Etherparty’s VP of Product Erynn Tomlinson, Creative Director Brandon Kostinuk, and Head Designer Nick Foster sat down with Customer Experience Manager Kaegan Donnelly to answer community questions on Wednesday, April 25.

Etherparty Smart Contracts, Inc.
4 min readApr 26, 2018


You can watch the whole thing on YouTube or read on to get an overview.

Video whiz Max Tkacz making sure everyone looks and sounds great.

Will Rocket be launching more than three crowdfunds?

Absolutely! The three you see on our website are just the beginning. We will also be announcing the winners of the #ThreeForFree contest on May 30. These winners will receive a free crowdfunding package. We have many other companies in the pipeline as well and we expect even more once Rocket launches.

How much will it cost to run a crowdfund on Rocket?

A crowdfund launch will cost $100,000. We have some additional discounts and incentives planned, so stay tuned!

Are you planning to be listed on other exchanges?

As FUEL is in its current standing a utility token, we don’t engage in having it listed on any exchanges.

Could you demonstrate some mockups?

Absolutely we can! 👇

Left: Rocket landing page. Right: Payment screen for Rocket.
Left: Crowdfund configuration screen. Right: Featured crowdfund page.

Do you plan to launch an affiliate program?

Yes! This is still in the early stages, but we are looking at ways to reward community members for referring crowdfunds to Rocket.

When are you going to start mass promotion and what marketing channels are in the plan?

We are conducting small scale tests to determine the best channels to use. While mass promotion, or interruption marketing, can be an effective tactic, we first need to gauge product market fit to better understand the best channels to market and communicate through before expending resources to the widest range of distribution.

We will certainly be focusing in on the most commonly accessed channels for the crypto-space, Reddit and Telegram to name two, however we are duly exploring other channels we think we can find our target users in.

Will Rocket be available internationally?

Yes! So long as your jurisdiction allows it, Rocket will be available for use. We will also localize Rocket in additional languages such as Chinese and Korean.

Will you be announcing the new name change the same time that you announce the winner of the re-branding contest?

Not quite! The response to the re-brand contest was unprecedented and gave us all sorts of warm fuzzies. We received over 1,200 name submissions. It has taken us longer than expected to go through these names and secure the necessary domain names, trademarks, social media accounts, and so on. We also want to prepare some accompanying marketing materials with the new name.

But we want to thank the community for their submissions with an extra bonus. We’re sending 250 FUEL to a few community members whose names we loved, but felt weren’t right for us. Some of our favorites include Affinity, Aura, Catalyst, Handshake, Ignition, Nebula, Nucleous, Orbit, Spark and Xpedite.

Stay plugged in to find out the winner of the 10,000 FUEL!

We’ve seen Hero and Saturn as next products in line, where will the main focus be after Rocket releases?

We have small teams already working on both Hero and Saturn. The user research team in particular is conducting studies into the needs and pain-points of these use cases. Stay tuned for more announcements related to these two upcoming product launches.

Will smart contracts created by Rocket be executed on your own blockchain or on Ethereum?

At launch smart contracts can be created for execution on Ethereum’s or Bitcoin’s blockchain (via Rootstock).

From left to right, Kaegan Donnelly, Brandon Kostinuk, Erynn Tomlinson.

Thanks to those who joined us on Friday! Feel free to join the conversation on our Twitter, Facebook and Reddit channels! And continue to look out for updates, announcements, as well as interesting and informative blogs on our Medium page, as well as on our official site,



Etherparty Smart Contracts, Inc.

Enabling a More Connected and Inclusive World Through Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology