Advisor Announcement — Sean Chou

Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2018

Etherprise is proud to announce that we are adding enterprise software veteran and unicorn builder, Sean Chou, to our Advisory Team! Sean is one of the most respected technologists in the enterprise space, and was an early pioneer of SaaS technology — turning his small startup into a billion dollar exit to global powerhouse SAP, while counting nearly half of the Fortune 100 as customers.

Sean is currently CEO and Co-founder of Catalytic, a 3-year old startup that’s raised $18 million in funding led by NEA, the world’s largest VC with over $40 billion under management. Although it’s a young company in the enterprise automation space, Catalytic’s customers already include many Global and Fortune 100 companies across a broad spectrum of industries. Catalytic’s people-friendly automation platform gives people the freedom to do more meaningful work, increases the speed of doing business, and improves the quality of outcomes.

Prior to Catalytic, Sean was the CTO and EVP of Services at Fieldglass where he began as the Founding CTO in 2000. Sean helped Fieldglass pioneer software-as-a-service (SaaS), define the vendor management system (VMS) industry, and achieve industry dominance as the leading technology provider for procuring and managing contingent labor and services. In 2014, SAP acquired Fieldglass for over $1 billion, and today Fieldglass remains a flagship SAP product as part of its cloud initiative.

“I’ve been fascinated by blockchain technology for years, and I’m very excited to be part of the Etherprise Advisory team where I can help shape real-world enterprise applications for blockchain. I see incredible potential in the fields of healthcare, finance, supply chain, and human resources — all areas where I will be able to bring extensive experience to Etherprise. Security and privacy are essential to enterprise adoption, and Etherprise is clearly the right solution to encourage that adoption. I look forward to exploring use cases for general enterprise application, as well as potential for automating blockchain applications using the Catalytic platform.”

— Sean Chou, CEO, Catalytic

As an Advisor to Etherprise, Sean will provide insight and guidance into getting penetration and traction with technology solutions in the enterprise space. The blockchain industry faces adoption challenges that are very similar to SaaS adoption in the early 2000’s, and there’s nobody more qualified to advise Etherprise on breaking through adoption barriers.

“Sean brings incredible depth of knowledge and a broad range of enterprise expertise to Etherprise. His pioneering work at Fieldglass and Catalytic provide the perfect background for an active, value-added advisor for Etherprise. We look forward to working closely with Sean to achieve our goal of broad, meaningful enterprise adoption.”

— Chad Arimura, CEO, Etherprise

Sean is a world-class technologist, CEO and entrepreneur, and he represents the caliber of Advisor we have planned to fill out the rest of the team. Welcome aboard Sean!

Join Us in Helping Bring Blockchain to Enterprise!

We are at the forefront of a massive change in the way enterprises transact with each other, and Etherprise exists to address the gaps in security, privacy, control, and speed necessary for this change to happen. With Etherprise, Enterprises can start using blockchain immediately while not worrying about the complicated installation and setup of private chains.

We’re hiring as fast as we can find great team members to join the mission of bringing blockchain to the enterprise. Check out our jobs page for current open roles, and don’t hesitate to jump into our Telegram channel to say hi!

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