Why We’re Building Etherprise —Part 4 of 4

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5 min readAug 29, 2018

This is a 4-part series written by Chad Arimura, CEO, and Jameson Stafford, CMO, about why we are building Etherprise. In part 1, we talked about the market landscape, the problems with today’s blockchain networks, and introduces the platform. Part 2 dove deeper into the platform and technology. In part 3, we investigated some real-world enterprise and privacy-centric use cases, and how we envision Etherprise’s role in future solutions. Finally, in this part 4 we close out the series with some forward-looking thoughts on the core themes enabling the next wave of blockchain adoption, and a ten-year prediction on where this technology will have the most impact for the enterprise of tomorrow — and how Etherprise will play a key role in this evolution.

Etherprise and the Future of Blockchain

We’re early in the technology curve of blockchain, but we’re moving quickly to a world where it becomes ubiquitous, interoperable, and hidden. Let’s break each of these down.


In less than a decade since the bitcoin genesis block, we’ve already seen a global phenomenon in payments and investing. Driven by the fact that over half the world’s 8 billion people are online and connected, there’s a clear and latent need for a global payments and investing system that transcends borders and currencies. Coupled with today’s hyper-inflation and lack of trust in fiat currency, the world will look to alternatives that are protected from centralized control. This is “use case zero” for blockchain, and will catalyze an even faster growth curve of network and interfaces (wallets, etc.). We’ll quickly approach a world where accessing blockchain systems from our mobile devices will be ubiquitous — like opening up your favorite email app, blockchain apps will be there as well.


As mentioned above, payments are “use case zero”, but cryptographically verifiable, immutable ledgers will apply to many many use cases as discussed in this post, as well as many use cases we can’t even imagine. To solve for this, multiple protocols will be globally-operated by either trusted or untrusted nodes, but end users will not need to understand the differences in each — they will simply know which app they want to use and when. But the promise of blockchain breaks down with hundreds of silo’d ledgers and networks, thus interoperability is a critical feature that must be built in. This is why Etherprise will be a member of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, and are hyper-focused on interoperability with Ethereum and GoChain, and will continue to build bridges to other blockchain protocol networks as needed.


Blockchain is basically a publicly available ledger where participants enter data and certify their acceptance of the transaction via an elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA). An elliptic curve is an equation such as y2 = x3 + a x + b.

Did you get all of that? Probably not, and neither does most of the world’s population, but that shouldn’t stop them from making payments, filing claims, buying goods and services, and all of the other channels the Internet, mobile, and blockchain open up.

Beyond the math, the sheer complexity to setting up wallets and using dapps, along with the fact that stakes are higher (oftentimes money is involved), creates a situation that simply doesn’t scale unless you do understand elliptic curves.

Blockchain will become hidden to the end user, much like any complexity of the Internet is hidden behind websites and apps. This must happen, and Etherprise is helping build the protocol building blocks of this hidden future.

Transforming Enterprise

Much like in the early days of the internet, enterprises were the slowest to adapt — often favoring closed systems, intranets and tightly controlled EDI protocols to enable very limited communications with partner systems and data sources. HTTP protocols provided incredible opportunity for global collaboration and limited commerce, but basic enterprise controls and security standards either did not exist or were in their infancy, preventing broad enterprise adoption. Factor in the lack of experienced resources, hyper-complex server/routing setup, and notoriously long vetting and implementation cycles at large companies, and the result was that these companies largely missed out on the first wave of internet innovation.

Today these problems have been largely solved. HTTPS has become ubiquitous, permitting consistent secure and private data exchange. Industries have sprung up around enterprise-grade access and data management solutions. Experienced internet developers have become easier (but still not easy) to find. And the serverless revolution has made many internet platforms completely hidden to the end users, facilitating rapid adoption.

Tomorrow, the Etherprise protocol will apply this transformation to the blockchain industry. Ubiquitous access (through DApps) to Etherprise and other Ethereum-compatible chains will allow for seamless interaction with suppliers, partners, employees and customers far beyond what today’s data exchange and communications platforms permit. Built-in interoperability will drive sharing and commerce opportunities that are difficult to imagine, but will evolve naturally as the Etherprise ecosystem develops. Finally, and most importantly, end-users transacting with Etherprise will not need to know that the protocol exists, much less how it works. By 2030, this will all be built into every aspect of our daily lives, enriching our day-to-day interactions, and opening up possibilities we cannot even fathom today.

Onward & Upward

The Etherprise team has decades of experience bringing software to the enterprise and even instrumental in market creation (serverless, automation, etc.). We truly believe that Etherprise can be ubiquitous, interoperable, and hidden from the everyday user, and we’re on a mission to make this happen and bring the transformative power of blockchain to the enterprise.

Chad and Jameson

Join Us in Helping Bring Blockchain to Enterprise!

We are at the forefront of a massive change in the way enterprises transact with each other, and Etherprise exists to address the gaps in security, privacy, control, and speed necessary for this change to happen. With Etherprise, Enterprises can start using blockchain immediately while not worrying about the complicated installation and setup of private chains.

We’re hiring as fast as we can find great team members to join the mission of bringing blockchain to the enterprise. Check out our jobs page for current open roles, and don’t hesitate to jump into our Telegram channel to say hi!

Learn more about Etherprise at https://etherprise.io

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