EIP- 1167, Minimal Proxy Contract on Etherscan

Kaven Choi
Etherscan Blog
Published in
1 min readAug 22, 2019

Etherscan now supports Minimal Proxy Contract in EIP-1167.

EIP-1167 define a standard where a minimal proxy contract forwards all calls and 100% of the gas to the implementation (main) contract then relays the returned value to the caller.

This standard enables developers to clone a contract with exact functionality with low deployment gas cost. Instead of redeploying the entire contract, developers can now clone the contract with a minimal bytecode saving deployment cost.

The exact bytecode of the standard clone contract :


The bytes at indices 10–29 (inclusive) are replaced with the 20-byte address of the implementation contract.

On Etherscan, a cloned contract will inherit the source code and ABI from the implementation contract if the implementation contract is verified on Etherscan.

All cloned contract that adheres to the EIP’s standard will have the source code and ABI of the implementation contract displayed on the “Code” tab. Users can now interact with the contract when connected to a web3 wallet on the Write Contract tab.

Developers do not need to verify each contract individually when the cloned contract is compliant with the EIP.

Display of Minimal Proxy Contact on Etherscan

Feel free to reach out to Etherscan Support if you face any issues while using Etherscan.

