Introducing the EthHub Community Forum and Call

A new signal for the Ethereum community is born

Anthony Sassano
3 min readApr 30, 2019


EthHub’s Purpose

At EthHub, one of our main goals is to give a voice to those that may feel under-represented in the Ethereum community. We currently do this through our newsletter, podcast and by using our Twitter reach to signal boost people and content. Now, we’re taking this one step further by launching our new community initiative — the EthHub Community Forum and Call.

We “soft-launched” the forum a couple of weeks ago and have since seen a great amount of activity with over 150 unique user sign-ups, a very active ‘introduce yourself’ thread and over 12,000 page views! We’re also seeing some very healthy discussion happen around important topics such as Eth2.0 staking returns.

Our Vision

The main goal for the forum and call is for them to be a space for like-minded Ethereum community members to come and discuss relevant topics such as governance, economics, developer-related topics and much more.

The grand vision is for EthHub’s platform to act as a healthy signal for core developers and researchers to look to in order to gauge community sentiment. As it currently stands, the main channels to gauge sentiment are Reddit, Twitter and the Eth Research & Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians forums.

Twitter and Reddit are ephemeral and many deep and important conversations are lost due to this. The Eth Research forum is focused on things like mechanism design, cryptography, protocol design and technical research which means it’s not the right space to discuss the more general issues in Ethereum. Lastly, the Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians (FEM) is focused on the actual implementation of these ideas and acts as a forum for discussing/refining EIPs while also coordinating technical Ethereum community members.

So where does the EthHub forum and call fit into all of this? We imagine our platform as a middle-ground for general discussions to take place across a wide range of topics including:

  • Ethereum 1.x and Ethereum 2.0
  • EIP discussion
  • Protocol economics
  • Technical (dapp development or core protocol)
  • Governance (and philosophy)
  • Funding (DAOs, protocol-level)
  • General dapp discussion

EthHub Community Call

The community call will be held once a month at 14:00 UTC (with exact date to be announced closer to each call).

The first call will be held on May 7th 2019 at 14:00 UTC.

Below is our current thinking of how the call will be run:

  • The call will be 90 minutes in length
  • The call will be live streamed (link/medium TBD — probably a Zoom call)
  • It will be recorded for future reference
  • Anyone can listen to the call but participants will be invited based on their contributions to the forum
  • 6 topics from the most popular threads will be picked for the agenda (to be released on the forum a couple days before the call)
  • Each topic will have a designated speaker who will intro it (~3 minutes) and then it will be opened up for discussion
  • Each topic will be given 15 minutes

These are the basic guidelines that we’ve come up with and it’s important to remember that both the forum & call are in a “testing” state as we feel our way through this new endeavor.

Towards the Future

We’re excited to experiment with this new platform and we invite any and all Ethereum community members to engage with both the forum and the call in any way that they can. It’s easy to sign up by using your Twitter account and we’re working on getting an Ethereum-based login integrated (via 3box).

Relevant Resources:

