Fascism 11 — Starve the Beast

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2 min readNov 25, 2023


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Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash

Fascism is a beast fueled by dehumanization.

It begins with the dehumanization of the self. It is similar to the reason soldiers have their hair cut and other such dehumanization rituals before training even begins. Except with fascists it's usually their own rituals where they are convinced they have no value as a person.

Once the fascist has no value for humans as people, he begins training dehumanizing others to try to bring them to his level violently if need be. He becomes stuck in a forever war against everyone else because he only values his own genetics and innate traits.

He is lonely and scared so he latches onto others like him.

He claims he’s experiencing ‘male loneliness’ and demands women warm his cold heart.

Or he gravitates to an idol like trump who promises his traits will live.

Everyone who is not like him becomes the enemy by default. The end result of dehumanization of an entire group is genocide. However you cannot convince a fascist a group has innate value if he doesn't believe humans have any value at all.

Combat dehumanization itself and you starve the fascism beast at every level, everywhere.

