Minister of Defence Bjørn Arild Gram to the left and Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre to the right. During the appointment of the minister in 2022. Foto: Lise Åserud.

New Artificial Intelligence Strategy Adopted by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence

Norway Just Announced a New Strategy for AI in the Defence Sector October 2023

Alex Moltzau
4 min readOct 14, 2023


This article is a translation of the recent press release by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, a link to the original can be found at the bottom of the article.

The government has adopted a strategy that deals with how the defence sector will utilize artificial intelligence to promote Norway’s security and defence policy goals. - The defence sector must identify, develop, implement and use artificial intelligence in a responsible way, says Defence Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp).

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is happening quickly and has great potential for increased efficiency and operational effectiveness in the Armed Forces. When used correctly, AI can perform tasks better and faster than humans and reduce or eliminate margins of error. The resources saved by getting machines to take over tasks can be used in other areas.

- Today, the amount of information we have as a basis for decision support is so overwhelming that it is difficult to utilize it. AI can be used to compile and analyze information and give us a better understanding of the situation and a better basis for decisions, says the Minister of Defence.

Gram visits the national council for the Home Guard in Dombås. Photo: DSS

Increasing rate of adoption

The objectives are to be able to identify needs and opportunities for the use of AI in the defence sector. Use of AI where it produces the greatest operational effect - and implementation of AI that requires little adaptation in the short term and measures that have great potential in the long term - must be prioritised. Both national and international cooperation will be crucial for the defence sector to succeed in adopting AI. The sector must therefore become very good in selected areas of use so that it becomes an attractive partner, internationally and nationally.

- Artificial intelligence is a technology that can have a very big impact on how military organizations solve their tasks. The rate of introduction is increasing both with our closest allies and with our potential adversaries. The nations that succeed in exploiting the potential can gain a competitive advantage through increased capability and efficiency. It is therefore strategically important that our defence sector also manages to utilize artificial intelligence. This will require a gradual implementation of the technology, but also ongoing operational innovation and organizational adaptation. An increase in competence will be necessary to succeed in making the defence sector AI-ready, but it is also necessary to strengthen the culture for continuous improvement, says the Minister of Defence.

Although artificial intelligence can lead to significant benefits for both the military and civilian sectors, it also entails a number of challenges related to international law and ethical, humanitarian and military considerations. Development and use of AI must be in accordance with applicable international humanitarian law.

Principles have therefore been drawn up which the defence sector undertakes to adhere to so that the defence sector's development and use of AI takes place in a responsible manner. These principles are based on NATO's principles which lay the foundation for cooperation and interoperability with our allies.

A better defence

Access to good, standardized and representative data is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of artificial intelligence. Seen in light of this, the defence sector will establish a strategy or policy for data that will define and identify how data can support the development of, among other things, artificial intelligence in the sector.

Artificial intelligence can have a major impact in areas such as preventive security, situational awareness, intelligence and the improvement of weapons systems. It will make our defence better, but it will also make the opposition's defence better. Norway must take seriously the fact that opponents' use of AI can pose a threat.

The AI strategy will facilitate the sector to identify and implement measures that can help reduce risk and protect us from the threats to our national security interests, including threats that arise through potential adversaries' use of AI.

- The use of the technology must be protected, among other things by regulating exports and the necessary awareness in research collaboration and thus prevent adversaries from using the technology to develop their own military capabilities. We must ensure both national regulations and close cooperation with allies on the protection of the technology, says the Minister of Defence.

You can read the strategy here.

You can also read the original press release in Norwegian here.



Alex Moltzau
Ethical AI Resources

Policy Officer at the European AI Office in the European Commission. This is a personal Blog and not the views of the European Commission.