Former digitization minister Linda Hofstad Helleland and party leader Erna Solberg put forward a new plan for artificial intelligence. Photo from the Conservatives press release.

The Norwegian Conservatives Launch New Plan for Artificial Intelligence

The Conservative Party is launching a plan for 40 initiatives for artificial intelligence (AI)

Alex Moltzau
5 min readNov 20, 2023


This article is a translation of the press release by the Norwegian Conservative Party. If you want to read it in Norwegian it can be found here.

The measures should help ensure that AI is used in a safe and valuable way.

- The development in artificial intelligence brings enormous value creation potential, which can provide better services to each and every one of us. At the same time, it presents challenges, which means that we have to become more critical of what we see, hear and read. Norway can succeed with technology, but then it is not enough to just set limits, we must also seize opportunities. That is why we are presenting Høyre’s solutions to make it happen today, says former digitization minister, Linda Hofstad Helleland.

National AI guidelines in schools

The AI ​​debate has raged over the past year, and in schools there have been particular challenges. Today, schools can choose to use AI in different ways, as it is up to the individual school and the individual teacher.

- In some schools it is included as part of the teaching, in other places it may be prohibited and not used at all. It is a challenge that there are no national guidelines for the use of AI in teaching. That is why the Conservative Party will now advocate for national guidelines and regulations, says Linda Hofstad Helleland and adds:

- The Conservative Party wants a broad AI agreement in the Norwegian Parliament. We believe it is unjustifiable that the AI train rolls on without political action. There is a great need to develop more policy in the area, which a united Storting must get behind.

She says the Conservatives will ensure clear guidelines that allow for learning gains and a focus on critical thinking.

- Specifically, it could be using it for intermediate evaluation of the students themselves, or building understanding by asking questions and examining what the system answers is right and wrong. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that AI in schools neither should nor can replace the physical teacher’s place in the classroom, but enables more frequent and more individual feedback, says Hofstad Helleland.

Some of the measures the Conservative Party wants to introduce

  • Create a council for artificial intelligence, which advises on fundamental questions about the technology and provides guidance on responsible use, modelled after the Biotechnology Council. The body can eventually be developed into an algorithmic supervision.
  • Carry out a digital legal cleanup, with a particular focus on openness and transparency, legal certainty, privacy and consumer rights.
  • National guidelines for artificial intelligence in schools, which ensure constructive and critical use of artificial intelligence with a focus on learning gains, while there are clear frameworks for when the technology can and cannot be used.
  • NOU on generative AI’s impact on art, culture and the media field, to map the need for legislative changes in the area.
  • Effective implementation of the EU’s AI Act, and ensure that preparations start immediately.

Digital legal updates

With new technology, today’s legislation quickly becomes out of date. The Conservative Party therefore believes that a revision of the legislation is needed so that it is updated in the face of technology such as AI.

- We believe it is crucial to have an update of digital legal frameworks. This means that we will survey which existing laws and regulations are well-suited frameworks for technology such as artificial intelligence, and where completely new laws are drawn up where there are deficiencies, says Hofstad Helleland.

She says that law enforcement should particularly focus on openness and transparency, legal certainty, privacy and consumer rights.

Establish the AI council

The Conservative Party believes that artificial intelligence challenges society in new ways, and the party believes that it is crucial that people set the framework for the technology, not the other way around. Hofstad Helleland therefore believes that demanding ethical questions and guidance on responsible use should already be in place now.

- The Conservative Party wants to establish an independent body, inspired by the Biotechnology Council, to give advice on fundamental issues related to AI. The council will raise ethical debates, provide guidance on responsible use and, in the long term, be able to function as algorithm supervision, concludes Hofstad Helleland.

You can download the new plan here.

About the work

The Conservative Party’s plan for artificial intelligence is the result of extensive input from the Conservative Party’s expert committee for artificial intelligence and consultations with a number of social actors. The committee has consisted of independent subject experts who may have no party affiliation to the Conservative Party. However, some members have a party affiliation.

  • Paul Chaffey, (committee chairman), studio manager at Halogen and former secretary of state
  • Inga Strümke, associate professor at NTNU, researcher in AI and particle physics and board member of the Norwegian Council for Digital Ethics
  • Torgeir Waterhouse, partner and founder of Otte and former director of IKT-Norge
  • Silvija Seres, CEO and founder of Lorn.Tech and technology investor
  • Shahzad Rana, board advisor at Digital Norway and former technology director at Microsoft Norway
  • Cecilie Hellestveit, researcher on war and international law
  • Georg Riekeles, director of the European Policy Centre
  • Kirsti Kierulf, managing director of the Norwegian Municipal Technical Association
  • Bård Standal, director of Fornybar Norge
  • Sebastian Næss Langaas, CEO of Cruit
  • Dag Håkon Myrdal, senior advisor, head of digitization at Aker Solutions Subsea AS
  • Jørn Haukøy, general manager at CODE11
  • Kai Røer, CEO and founder of Praxis Security Labs
  • Linda Hofstad Helleland (parliamentary representative), former district and digitization minister
  • Bård Ludvig Thorheim (parliamentary representative for the Conservatives)
  • Anne Kristine Linnestad (parliamentary representative for the Conservatives)
  • Margret Hagerup (parliamentary representative for the Conservatives)

This is also part of my personal project #1000daysofAI and you are reading article 522. I am writing one new article about or related to artificial intelligence for 1000 days. The first 500 days I wrote an article every day, and now from 500 to 1000 I write at a different pace.



Alex Moltzau
Ethical AI Resources

AI Policy, Governance, Ethics and International Partnerships at All views are my own.