Journalists must inform

Oba cantine
Ethical Issues in the Electronic Mass Media
2 min readDec 16, 2018

By Oba Williams-Cantine

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

My role as a journalist in 2018 is to inform people about the world around them and acquaint them with factual evidence, in the most objective way possible. Informing them how to avoid the fake/hoax news stories that have been plaguing the people online for the last few years.

Even though the task may prove to be difficult or dangerous due to the current administration painting journalist as the "enemies of the people", because of their negative but truthful coverage of his administration’s Questionable policies and inflammatory rhetoric. Although at some points it may seem a bit excessive and unnecessary, with more important things going on not only domestically but globally.

But it falls on the shoulders of journalists to report on the matters that affect the public, as long as it has significance and not just an appeal to drama.

Unfortunately, with the current state journalism, the most important stories tend to be centered around the Trump presidency or some sort of celebrity scandal. While actual examples of Journalism are being glossed over and getting dubbed as "Fake news" by a mass of people that don’t agree with the information; and journalists from all over the world are having their voices stifled by tyrannical governments, either through unlawful jail time or in some cases death.

As a journalist in 2018 it is my role to navigate around these challenges and do my best to the truth out there.

