International Women’s day and EthicHub

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5 min readMar 6, 2020

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We are proud at Ethichub to support International Women’s day. We would like to join the discussion and be part of International Women’s Day 2022 #eachforequal and #generacionigualdad campaign on the 8th of March by interviewing inspiring women we work with.

International women’s day is celebrated annually on the 8th of March. This is the time of the year when all the magazines, TV shows, billboards dedicate their platform to women.To recognize and acknowledge what they have done in the past, what are they doing today and how they are going to change the future.

To do this, we have asked questions to some of our team members to transfer their point of view to us so that we can learn what this movement means to them.

Tell us about your experience as a woman entrepreneur. Do you think there are certain artificial limitations or barriers to achieving your goals?

Gabriela: “Just once -long ago- my work as an industrial designer was affected by gender: That company only hired men. Nowadays my experience is not representative because EthicHub is not perceived as promoted by a woman, but by a mixed team.”

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Nallely: “It’s a day to commemorate and recognize achievements in women’s rights.”

Nini: “To me this is a day of remembering and appreciating what women can achieve.”

Gabriela: “A day to reinforce visibility of women’s participation in all areas of society, in order to evolve to a more integrated, harmonious, freer and fairer society.”

Plata: “It is a day to remind and make visible the role of women in society. For me it is a day to celebrate but at the same time it is sad that we have to set a day to recognize all the women who work and have worked in the fight for gender equality.”

Lucia: “It is a day to reflect on the participation of women in all areas of the society, which they are part of and contribute ideas and proposals to improve or change what we are doing wrong and reinforce our successes.”

What is something about EthicHub that really inspires you to work for it?

Nallely : “I think Ethichub is an amazing venture, because it’s making a bridge where everyone wins, helps to improve living conditions and this is what always inspires.”

Nini: “It has not been long since I joined the company. But what I like the most about the project and motivates me is that we are doing a kind job. And there are only winners. Doing digital marketing for a product or service that you believe in is the best that may happen to you. So I can say, I am lucky to be part of the EthicHub family.”

Gabriela: “Above all, being able to prove a better economic system is possible: fairer, more inclusive, profitable and sustainable, where we all win while generating positive impact: being able to place together wallet and heart.”

Plata: “What is something about EthicHub that really inspires you to work for it?. Technology really serves to help people in this fight against inequality.”

Lucia: “The opportunity that my work can contribute to helping others.”

What do you think about women supporting each other and creating separate communities only for women?

Nallely: “I believe that SORORITY is good, separate communities have been created because it has been necessary.”

Nini: “I support this idea. I am also part of some communities that are only for women and I am amazed how strong these communities are and how much they achieve by giving a hand to each other. But what I am not supporting is creating hotels and taxi services only for women. This I find ridiculous and I think this should be controlled.”

Gabriela: “In order to achieve the equity goals proposed by the UN, all available support is needed, and although I aspire to a well-integrated society of shared spaces, the tough reality some women are living makes them need spaces just for them.”

Plata: “Unfortunately it is something that we need now since there is this huge gender gap, as I said earlier, I am very grateful to what we have now, but we are still far from achieving equality, so we need to take drastic actions for inclusion and creation of safe spaces for underrepresented groups, in this case women, to feel identified, supported and empowered.”

Lucia: “I think supporting each other between women is as important as between women and men, but separating in women-only communities only leads to segregation.”

Why is gender equality an important issue to you?

Nallely: “Equality and equity are two different things, the important thing is to seek equity, there can be no equality because men and women are not equal, this should be important for everyone, it is in the history that women have been relegated for years in different fields and although these differences have been shortened, it is up to us to educate future generations so that in the future there is a real equity.”

Nini: “Gender equality especially at workplaces is very important. We want to be heard, our initiatives to be considered and taken seriously. I still hear some stories that women share about their experiences from business meetings where they feel discriminated against and are not treated equally. I am not an expert in this topic but what I see and hear around me I can say that there is still a lot to be done to reach gender equality.”

Gabriela: “Because a huge cultural evolution is yet needed to stop accepting as normal some behaviors instilled since childhood, which prevent a more complementary and constructive relation between genres.”

Plata: “Because I have the conviction that all people have the same rights and obligations regardless of gender and wherever they are. But history has shown us that it has not been so, so I have the responsibility to change this together with the help of many people who believe in equality and in a more just world.”

Lucia: “What is important to me is equal opportunities and the importance as a society member. Gender equality is not possible because we are different from our nature, but those differences are what enrich any activity or participation in everyday life from both men and women.”

