Our small farmers’ coffee goes to China!

Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2020

LEER EN ESPAÑOL: ( https://medium.com/ethichub/el-caf%C3%A9-de-nuestros-agricultores-llega-a-china-444681adb40 )

EthicHub and Roasters and Warehousing Trading Co. signed an agreement for exporting and selling in China the coffee produced by our smallholder farmers.

We are celebrating a recently signed collaboration agreement with RWTC! We are now members of their prestigious export platform that opens a direct marketing channel to China. RWTC provides logistical support over all stages of this long 30-day trip between Chiapas (Mexico) and the city of Nansha (China) and once the coffee is there, they find direct buyers for it.

In April we will send our first shipment and thereafter every 30–45 days we’ll keep sending 5 pallets per container (maximum quota for each exporting member). Every pallet contains 20 bags with 46 net kg. of SHC EP Arabic Coffee (Strictly Height Coffee, European Preparation) for a total of 4.6 tons per shipment. Additionally, if buyers place direct orders for our coffee, RWTC will also manage them.

Coffee lovers will be delighted with the results our samples obtained on recent professional cupping tests, highlighting the extraordinary quality of our farmers’ coffee: They were scored Specialty Coffees!! Not surprising after all, because these grains are grown in privileged weather conditions, under the shade of trees in steep mountains at more than 1500 meters above sea level. And this is just the beginning! As soon as their lands are properly care with the necessary resources, quality will boost even further! Finally these proud producers will receive the benefits of their hard work to improve their standard of living..

EthicHub provides an integrated service to smallholder farmers to promote their excellent product across the world, getting them a fairer share of the value chain.

We wish to acknowledge RWTC’s outstanding work and their warm welcome to EthicHub and our impact initiative to provide working capital to smallholder farmers and better prices for their crops.

A deserved recognition also to all Ethichubbers who generate well-being for these families through our crowdlending platform. Together we are helping them to break the Poverty Cycle, contributing to a social, economic and environmental improvement.

Together we are building a healthier and more sustainable ecosystem where we all win.

Welcome to financial inclusion with impact!

Connecting people. Harvesting wealth.

