We are joining #yomequedoencasa And you ?

Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2020

Read in spanish(texto en español: https://medium.com/ethichub/nos-adherimos-a-la-iniciativa-yomequedoencasa-y-t%C3%BA-563260e6daf6 )

At EthicHub we want to contribute our “granito de café ” ( Coffee bean) and join various initiatives launched around the #coronavirus crisis

So, in the coming days, all members of the EthicHub team will be working from our homes, in a “decentralized” way, and with this decision to work with health authorities to minimize the spread of #coronavirus.

In the same way, we will restrict to the maximum our presence in events,and will transfer them to online format.

And now we want to encourage the whole community of EthicHubers to be extremely careful and, as far as possible, not to be exposed much. Take care and stay strong!

Thus, our developers, marketing team, communication, support, business development and other areas of work we accept this challenge and we are aware of the current situation. It may be a bit annoying at first, but we are convinced that the effort will be worthwhile and that it will contribute to the benefit of all.

In any case, we have an advantage of being an international team. Many of our working meetings are already made by video calls. The EthicHub team is spread across Mexico and Spain, in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Santander and Toledo.This current situation will not disrupt our relationship with you as long as all our social networks and communication channels will remain open.

We will keep you posted and if any of you join the initiative, let us know!

