AI, Take a Long F*cking Nap!

Patricia Jeanne
Ethics and AI
Published in
12 min readApr 1, 2023


Condescending Hal (ChatGPT) won’t back off on beating AI detectors

Fake image generated using Dall-E. Author’s.

Does anyone remember 2001: A Space Odyssy? It’s a good movie. Stanley Kubrick made his chops on this futuristic story involving Hal, an on-board chatty computer used during a space flight. Hal seems pleasant enough. That is, up until systems errors ensue, then he tries to blame a hardware problem on the astronauts and ground crew. A calculating, killer robot emerges.

I’ve been testing, poking, and attempting to master AI tools for what feels like forever. There are going to be benefits to this technology once people embrace it enmasse. I’m sure it’ll become a regular tool used in everyday life waaay too soon.

It still makes too many mistakes to be relied upon for making decisions.

The social sector that stands to gain the most (in my opinion), are cybercriminals, since they’ll be able to forge documents, make fake videos, place calls, and send e-mails in a voice you’ll recognize as trustworthy.

Safeguards need to be put in place. We’re already running late.

Recognizing AI-generated content is important — it will help mitigate certain crimes and secure jobs that involve communications. Currently, AI-generated language detection tools are available, and they perform pretty well when you copy and paste in…



Patricia Jeanne
Ethics and AI

I write satire, tech-related, and personal essays. Interests include cybersecurity, tech use & Neuroscience. Lizzie Lizard Brain is my darker, funnier side.