100 Years of AI: Addressing Racism and Unveiling the Symphony of ChatArena

Rahul Bhattacharya


3 min readJul 5, 2023


Welcome to ETHNOFUTURES by ETHIK, your gateway into the fascinating intersection of culture, technology, and design. This month, we delve into the transformative developments, breakthroughs, and concerns in the realm of artificial intelligence, exploring its past, present, and future impact.

The AI100 Report: A Call for Ethical Responsibility

Stanford University’s AI100 report, “Gathering Strength, Gathering Storms,” sheds light on the tremendous progress made in AI over the past five years and highlights the urgent need for ethical responsibility.

AI has transformed our lives through applications such as speech recognition, image organization, and autocorrect. However, the report emphasizes the importance of addressing AI’s flaws and biases, especially as it becomes increasingly integrated into high-stakes domains. Higher education institutions must passionately provide interdisciplinary education on AI safety, ethics, and societal implications, as demonstrated by Harvard’s Embedded EthiCS program.

While AI has optimized billing and scheduling in healthcare, its adoption for patient care has been slow due to significant legal, financial, and regulatory barriers. Nonetheless, AI has the potential to aid in diagnoses, assess medical conditions, and recommend life-changing treatments. The report anticipates progress in AI regulation, but striking a balance between innovation and protection remains a formidable challenge.

In summary, the AI100 report underscores the need for responsible AI development. Higher education institutions, policymakers, and researchers must continue to address AI ethics with determination and vision. The future is bright, but there is much work to be done. The time for action is now.

Unveiling the Symphony of ChatArena

Introducing ChatArena, a Python package that enables large language models (LLMs) to collaborate in multi-agent conversational simulations. Pushing the boundaries of AI and exploring multi-agent dynamics, ChatArena provides a platform for researchers and developers to investigate collaborative AI safety passionately.

Key features of ChatArena:

  • Multi-Agent Conversational Simulation: Engage in role-playing interactions that foster cooperation and provide a thrilling gaming experience.
  • Compatibility with Various LLM Backends: Enable communication across LLMs, including GPT-3, GPT-4, Huggingface (1900+ models), and Cohere.
  • Convenient Interfaces: Effortlessly create games, implement requests, and experiment using the Command Line Interface (CLI) and WebUI.
    Safety and Alignment Considerations: Investigate safety measures and ensure alignment as AI collaboration expands.
  • Moderated Conversation Support: Utilize LLMs to manage game dynamics, while a Python class controls the rules for various gaming scenarios.

ChatArena empowers collaborative AI, pushing boundaries, and enhancing our understanding of multi-agent interactions. With this platform, LLMs can cooperate in simulated environments, opening up endless possibilities for developers and researchers to explore AI safety in collaboration. Embrace this exciting breakthrough and join the quest for collaborative AI safety.

Dismantling the Normalization of Whiteness in AI

The normalization of Whiteness in AI perpetuates Eurocentric values, biases, and the myth of color-blindness, effectively erasing people of color. To promote equity, collective action is imperative.

Holding stakeholders accountable, fostering inclusive development practices, and scrutinizing data and algorithms for biases are essential steps. Increasing diversity in AI challenges power structures, paving the way for equitable systems.

By acknowledging biases and embracing alternative perspectives, AI can serve all communities and contribute to racial justice. However, the work begins now. No more silence. No more excuses. Join the movement and raise your voice.



Rahul Bhattacharya
Editor for

#educator + #designer + #arthistorian Looking at life through through #ai #travel #performanceart #curation and #badjokes. linkedin.com/in/theblackyellowarrow