ETHRuhr — First Meetup

Paul Mizel
Published in
1 min readOct 20, 2018

The ETHRuhr and .NET-Usergroup Dortmund will be a guest at MAXIMAGO on Wednesday, October 17th.

Am Brambusch 22
44536 Lünen.

Admission is free.

The Usergroup has won Fabian Raetz as a speaker. The Chief Technology Officer of Asure Network, devotes his presentation to “Crowdsale Smartcontracts”: You hear a lot about blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, ICO, TGE, Smartcontracts. What is behind ethereum? How does it work to create a crowdsale contract? What can it do and how can I use it? That and many more questions will be discussed in Fabian’s talk.

The meeting of the ETHRuhr and .NET-Usergroup starts on October 17th at 6 pm. After Fabian’s presentation there will be time for networking. MAXIMAGO sponsors pizza and drinks. Thanks!

If you want to participate, you can register now for free in the XING group of the Usergroup: To see the event, you need to be a free member of the XING group.

Speaker: Fabian Raetz, CTO at Asure

We are looking forward to the next meetings.



Paul Mizel
Editor for

Entrepreneur, vision enthusiast. Founder Asure.Network - - SCALABLE BLOCKCHAIN NETWORK FOR DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL SECURITY.