EthSign Presents: SIGN Week!

Ethan Lippman
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2021

Welcome to the Era of Agreements Powered by Blockchain

EthSign ( is excited to announce our 1st SIGN Event!

The EthSign team will cover ALL GAS FEES for documents signed on the Polygon and BSC chains during SIGN Week: August 1–7 (NA) and August 2–8 (Asia)

Giveaway Prizes

  • The 3 users that provide the most valuable feedback on how to improve EthSign will be airdropped a limited-edition EthSign NFT
  • 100+ “EthSign OG” NFTs will be airdropped to random EthSigners who signed on EthSign/provided feedback during SIGN Week
  • Please submit feedback via this survey!

SIGN Week Live Event
Hop on Zoom and meet the EthSign community!

SIGN Week Live Event Schedule

EthSign Genesis Document
Comment your public address under this Tweet, we will invite you to sign the EthSign Genesis document: a collection of signatures from EthSign’s early supporters.✨Sign to increase chances of winning limited-edition EthSign NFTs!

Helpful Links:

Company Overview
EthSign is a decentralized, versioned electronic agreement signing decentralized-application built with Web3 technologies.

EthSign was founded in 2019 and since raised a seed round of $650,000 at a $3,000,00 valuation from notable investors such as Draper Associates, NGC Ventures, imToken Ventures, HashKey Capital, Mr. Liang Xinjun (Fosun Group Co-founder), Ankr…

Product Overview

EthSign allows users to upload documents, manage and track their signing status, comment directly on documents, download version histories.

EthSign is deployed on 6 EVM networks and was conceived to tackle the issues of data security, privacy, and ownership caused by over-reliance on centralized providers for electronic signature services.

Why EthSign?

  • User information and documents are stored using de-storage. Providing: traceable and transparent audit trails, digital signatures, document hash logs, private key, metadata events (time of signature), making the process verifiable by any party on the public blockchain
  • Decentralization, immutability, privacy protection, and transparency are associated with conducting workflows on-chain
  • Flexibility to choose which modules to use within EthSign for DID, smart contract blockchain test networks, decentralized storage networks
  • Gas fees are prepaid by the initiator, signers don’t pay

More information on EthSign below or see our Gitbook

EthSign’s Use Cases
Agreement signing, DAO integration, petitions, and NFT endorsements. EthSign is innovating more functions such as NFT stamp, asset-backed token issuance, smart agreements with automatically executable terms, and building an on-chain credit system

New Features:

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