Introducing Sign Profile: Bridging Trust and Identity on Sign Protocol

LJ Huang
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2024

Today, we are beyond excited to introduce Sign Profile, a cornerstone development for Sign Protocol that help us to bring more trust and sign everything onchain.

In the realms of both traditional and digital interaction, trust and identity are deeply intertwined, with trust often stemming from knowing someone, whether face-to-face or online. Sign Protocol, an omni-chain attestation protocol, starts with a vision to build a comprehensive trust repository, which aims to generate, store, and organize trust through attestations and schemas. The introduction of Sign Profile allows us to link identities with these schemas, boosting the credibility of attestations and transforming personal claims into verifiable trust on the blockchain.

Maximizing Trust through ID Compatibility

Our goal to strengthen onchain trust is rooted in enhancing ID compatibility. To achieve this, Sign Protocol currently and will soon support a wide variety of IDs, including:

  • Sovereign-backed IDs: Such as Singpass and RNS (e-residency backed by the Republic of Palau), providing a solid trust foundation through government endorsement.
  • Decentralized ID: Including ENS, BNS, and other DID providers, offering a blockchain-native solution for identity that promotes interoperability and self-sovereignty.
  • Social Media and Online Identity Profiles: By integrating digital personas from platforms like Twitter, Discord, Telegram, GitHub, and email, we’re connecting online identities to the blockchain.
  • Website Domain through DNS: This approach links an individual’s or organization’s online presence with their blockchain address, enhancing credibility.
  • Proof of Human through World ID: To combat sybil attacks and ensure authenticity, we support Proof of Human verification, fostering a human-centered ecosystem.

Your Profile Page: Embarking on a Trustworthy Journey

The profile page within Sign Protocol is your entry point into a new era of trust and identity. Designed to showcase your verified identities, it also serves as a foundation for a future where blockchain transactions are seamlessly integrated with off-chain credibility. Looking ahead, the blockchain will become a web of trust, capturing every aspect of your persona, intentions, and credentials.

As we continue to evolve, we deeply value our community’s ongoing support. We encourage you to explore your Sign Profile, reflecting on your engagement with us — ranging from contracts sent and signed to attestations made, badges collected, and campaigns participated in. Your contributions and feedback are crucial to our journey. Stay connected for more exciting updates.

